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Author's note: Based off a pic by Michael345 on FA! I do leave the story open for a sequel in case I decide to go that route in the future.

Helen Parr had it all: Stretchy super powers, a loving family, two hit films under her belt, and a successful career of fighting crime. All that changed one fateful day when she met a certain body-thieving monkey. From there, her life and position would shift completely...

It all happened after the events of Incredibles 2, just a few days after Helen defeated the Screenslaver. Everything seemed fine after defeating the mind-controlling miscreant, until things quickly took a turn for the surreal. Helen Parr was patrolling the city at night under her superheroine guise of "Elastigirl", making sure the streets were safe from crime. Despite being a mother and virtuous superhero, Helen's body was quite stacked. She had a large butt, thin waist, and sizable breasts.

She also wore a red-and-black super-suit that covered her entire body and hugged her sizable curves quite well. Her suit was also flexible enough to stretch along with her elastic body! Lastly, she wore a small black mask that barely covered her face. Little did she know that her attractiveness would soon be her undoing.

Elastigirl swung around the city using her stretchy arms, while keeping an eye out for any villains that may be lurking nearby. As she swung around, she noticed a strange glow in a nearby alleyway. She knew she had to check it out, whatever it was!

Elastigirl crept stealthily into the darkened alleyway, while making sure not to alert any miscreants to her presence. She continued her march forwards, until the light from earlier disappeared.

Just then, she felt hands grab her rubbery butt-cheeks! The hands gave her butt a tight squeeze, prompting her to turn around and look down. The being cupping her cheeks was simply a tiny monkey in a lab-coat! Elastigirl grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and held him high in front of her face, "Hey, hands off the merchandise, pal!"

The simian snickered, "Oh, please! That sexy body of yours is begging for a good groping,"

The monkey wriggled out of Elastigirl's grasp and leaped onto her back, before grabbing onto it tightly. He snickered, "Look who's got a monkey on her back!"

Elastgirl growled and reached her stretchy arms back in an attempt to grab the monkey. Jam stopped this by grabbing her rubbery arms and tying them into a knot! The superheroine struggled to pull them apart, but her arms were so entwined with each other that it was impossible to do so. Elastigirl panicked, "H-Hey, you can't just tie my arms like a bow!"

The monkey snickered and smacked her on the rump, "Sorry, lady, but I do what I want!"

The superheroine tried to shake the monkey off her back, but he held on so tightly that it was impossible. The monkey let out playful chattering noises, “If you want me off your back, I can accommodate you! After all, there’s still other parts of you that need messing with…”

Jam then slid off Elastigirl’s back and towards the ground. Once on the ground, he grabbed her legs, knocking her over in the process. “Oof!” Shouted the superheroine as her rubbery face impacted the ground. Jam then proceeded to take Elastigirl’s legs and tie them into a knot as well, rendering her completely immobile.

Jam snickered, “Dearie me, looks like I just tied up one of the world’s greatest superheroines with her own body!”

Elastigirl scowled, “You won’t get away with this! You can kidnap me and hand me over to the world’s biggest supervillain, but my family will rescue me,”

The monkey then broke into a mad cackle, “Please, you’re not worth handing over! The only thing of you I want is that stretchy body of yours!”

Elastigirl raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”

Jam then reached into the pocket of his lab-coat and pulled out a laser-gun, “This! I’m about to perform surgery on you in this alley here. Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing… At least from below the neck!”

Jam powered on the laser gun as he approached the superheroine, who desperately struggled trying to untie her rubbery body. Jam turned on the laser as he moved it towards her rubbery neck, “Relax, you’ll live!”

“Get away from me!” Shouted the still struggling Elastigirl. Jam ignored her cries for help as he began running the laser across the bottom of her neck, slowly severing it from its body. Once fully cut through, Elastigirl’s still living head and neck toppled to the ground. Her headless body lied motionless, no longer having a head to control it.

Elastigirl’s severed head panicked, “Eep, you killed me!”

Jam shook his head, “I certainly did not! Your body’s still alive, I just need to put a new head onto it!”

The monkey then proceeded to untie the stretch superheroine’s arms and legs, fixing up her body and laying it flat on its back on the ground. “Put me back, you evil chimp!” Scowled Elastigirl.

Jam waved his finger at the head lying on the ground, “No can do, it’s mine now!”

Jam then reached over and grabbed the sides of his neck, hoisting both it and his head off his shoulders. The headless monkey body then walked over to Elastigirl’s body, before attaching the head to it. With Jam’s head and neck now atop Elastigirl’s body, he quickly took control of it. He squirmed and convulsed as his head became acclimated to his new rubbery body.

Jam was very quickly able to master his new body, standing up with zero effort. He then turned his attention to his feminine form, which he began to check out. He found his new female body to be quite well-endowed. He was both heavy in the top and the bottom, which pleased the perverted monkey-headed woman very much. He wore a tight red-and-black super-suit, which was designed to stretch with his new body.

His entire body felt like it was made out of easily stretchable rubber! He tested his new malleable form by stretching his left arm out as far as it could go. He stretched it to the end of the alley, before effortlessly pulling his arm back. Once pulled back in, his arm returned to its previous shape as if it had never stretched at all. Jam smiled as he held up his rubbery arm, “Excellent!”

After stretching his new arm out, Jam turned his attention to the rest of his body. He liked how big his breasts and hips were, but felt they could be larger! This game him an idea, prompting him to put his thumb in his mouth. He blew into his thumb in a similar vain to how one would blow into a balloon, which resulted in him inflating both his breasts and hips to a cartoonish degree. He smiled as he grabbed his rubbery jugs and gave them a firm squeeze, “Excellent!”

“Hey, hands off the body, you perverted chimp! Give me my body back this instant,”

Jam snickered as he walked up to Elastigirl’s severed head. He then took his high-heeled boot and ground it into Elastigirl’s forehead, causing her to squeal out in pain. “I think not! This sexy body is mine now and there ain’t no changing that!” Shouted Jam as he flicked Elastigirl’s forehead.

She scowled, “You’re a monster!”

Jam shook his head and reached down to pick up Elastgirl’s head, before peeling off her mask to reveal Helen’s true identity underneath, “I am not! I’m just a monkey with a sexy superheroine’s body,”

“I don’t care what you think you are, give me my body back!!”

Jam responded by grabbed the sides of Helen’s head, right before stretching and molding it into a new shape. He quickly reshaped Helen’s head and neck into a ball, and then proceeded to bounce it against the ground. “Stop it!” Shouted Helen as her rubbery head impacted the ground over and over again.

The monkey-headed woman snickered, “Fine, I have better uses for that empty head of yours anyways!”

The ball-shaped Helen narrowed her eyes at the monkey, “You won’t get away with this thievery! Once my family finds out, they’ll take my body back by force!”

Jam shook his head and pointed at his headless body, which was somehow still standing even without a head, “Oh please, my own daughter is more of a menace then your entire family put together!” Jam snapped his fingers, prompting his headless monkey body to reach into its lab-coat and pull out a remote. It pressed a button on the device, opening up a glowing green portal. Jam grabbed Helen’s now ball-shaped head and his own headless body, right before diving into the portal, “Here we go!”

Once through the portal, Jam found himself back in his lab with his new body in tow. Helen panicked, “Where the hell am I? Is this a different dimension?!”

Jam nodded, “Yep, welcome to your new home!”

“You can’t be serious!” Screeched Helen’s head.

“Oh, but I am! Regardless, before I continue messing with you, it’s time for a bath!”

Jam then effortlessly stretched his arm towards the bathroom, all while not moving an inch from where he was standing. Once his arm was in the bathroom, he turned on the tap and began filling the tub. After pulling his arm back, he grabbed Helen’s head, “Now, we just need a towel!”

“Uh… Why are you looking at me like that?” Asked Helen, right before Jam put her head down. Jam blew on his thumb to inflate his backside to a comical degree, before smashing it down on Helen! Like a meteor hitting a deep impact, Helen’s head was hit by an immense amount of force. She was squished flat by her own rump, a victim of her own stretchy power. Jam stoop up and looked down at the now flat Helen, who was in so much pain she couldn’t talk, “Grk!”

Jam smiled and picked her up, “Perfect, a new towel!” After deflating his rump down to its previous size, he took his new towel into the bathroom with him. He quickly threw off his spandex super-suit, and admired his naked form. Afterwards, he slid into the bathtub and had a nice long bath! It was strange bathing a body made mostly out of rubber, but he quickly got used to it. After his bath, he stepped out of the drink and grabbed Helen. Using his new towel, he dried off himself off before draping the former superheroine around his naked body. Once covered up, the monkey-headed woman smiled, “You make quite the good towel, Helen!”

Once draped in the towel, Jam threw his mostly naked body down on the couch and closed his eyes, “Time for a good snooze…” Jam drifted off, not realizing that his robo-moth daughter, Peppermint, had just finished charging! The metallic anthropomorphic bug wandered into the room and saw her father sleeping there in a hot woman’s body. She noticed the discarded super-suit nearby and quickly realized Jam had stolen Elastigirl’s body.

“Ooh, I’m going to have some fun tonight!” Peppermint whispered to herself as she crept up on her dad in order to give him a makeover. Peppermint always used Jam stealing female bodies as an excuse to make him over into the “perfect mom”. Peppermint snuck up on Jam as she opened her metallic chest compartment, revealing makeup and nail polish. She got to work on giving her dad his makeover, starting by painting his toenails and fingernails pink. She then used bows and a comb to style Jam’s long brown hair into pigtails. Lastly, she applied red lipstick and blue eye-shadow to the masculine monkey’s face.

Seeing her dad with such a feminine look to his clearly male face made the robo-moth let out a computerized giggle. Jam was woken up by the giggling and noticed her reflection in a nearby mirror, joining in on the laughing as she marveled at how silly she looked. “I certainly look like a real ‘mom’ now!” Shouted Jam.

Peppermint nodded, “You sure do, ‘Mom’! Now you got super-powers, a new look, and an attractive body! What’s next? Ooh, how about we go shopping?”

“Ooh, let’s do some shopping! All I’ve got for Helen’s- I mean, ‘my’ new body is that skintight super-suit. I need something with more breathing room!”

Peppermint threw her arm around her ‘mother’s’ shoulders, “Looks like we need to do some shopping, Mom!”

Jam nodded, “Can do! First, let me get that suit back on. May as well wear it one last time before changing into a better outfit!”

With that, Jam threw the towel that once was Helen on the ground, before sliding her super-suit back on and leaving with Peppermint. Elastigirl could only lay on the ground as a towel, unable to do anything else. At least, that was until she noticed Jam’s discarded monkey body nearby. If she could stretch her head back into its original shape and roll it over to the monkey’s body, she could take control of it and use it to get her body back! She just hoped things would go her way for once...


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