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Author's Note: This is a story based off a pic I got recently from Vetoknox (will link it when I post it) It's a late Pride Day special, wanted to do something for my LTBQ audience!

Everybody loves a good night club! The neon lights, the great dance music, and even the fancy drinks are all things that drive people to their clubs. That's not even getting into the performances you'll often see at these clubs, especially from the dancers. Of course, not every club's form of entertainment is appealing to every customer. Not enjoying the entertainment is one thing though, but what about when one is magically transformed into said entertainment? Well, that can create a whole world of silliness, just like it had for Jam just a few days ago...

It all happened one day when Jam had heard about a new adult night club in town, one that was owned by Disney and featured their characters performing on-stage for all to see! Unfortunately for Jam, he made the mistake of skimming through the email he got on the subject, not realizing that it was actually a gay men's club called "Disney Dads"!

The straight monkey lacking this knowledge, prepared to leave for the evening. He threw on his favorite lab-coat and smirked, "Time to see some hot babes!"

The monkey then knuckle-walked out the door, right before slamming it shut using his prehensile tail. He made his way across town and towards the club, only to arrive there and see the sign outside reading "Disney Dads". Jam grumbled, "Ah man, this isn't the kind of club I want! Though I may as well grab a drink while I'm here..."

Jam begrudgingly entered the establishment, planning to buy a drink and then leave. As he entered, he saw none other than the famous Stitch from the "Lilo and Stitch" movies performing on stage. He was clad in a leather daddy outfit, complete with a white hat and a brown leather jacket. He was dancing around on stage, shaking his surprisingly massive, fuzzy blue rump for all to see. "Toga meega patookie!" Shouted Stitch in his alien language, all while dancing and gyrating for all the men at the club. Jam eyed up the alien's butt for a bit, before giving his head a shake and going on with his business.

Jam forced himself not to watch the alien's provocative display and simply walked up to the bar and ordered some banana juice. Upon receiving his order, Jam thanked the waiter and sighed as he looked out at the club. "Damn, I really wanted to see some hot babes today!" Jam said to himself, before taking a look at the waiter and realizing he was wearing a speedo! He blushed as he adverted his eyes, something that an unknown force took notice of. This unseen stranger watched the monkey from afar and licked his lips, ready to pounce.

After finishing his drink, the monkey paid and prepared to leave. Before he could leave, someone approached him and grabbed him by his tail, halting him in his tracks. Jam looked up and saw a big, fat yellow alien standing before him! It was none other than Reuben, the sandwich-eating alien experiment from the same series that Stitch was from. The alien was clad in a black hat and a black leather jacket, which gave him a rather rugged look. Reuben chose to wear no pants, just like his cousin! Both of the aliens believed in not hiding a perfectly pleasant and plump rump.

"Where ya going, buddy?" Asked Reuben in his typical Brooklyn accent.

Jam smiled nervously as he tried not to stare at the alien's backside, "J-Just on my way out!"

"I see, not big on gay men's clubs I take it?"

"Oh, I have nothing against them personally! I just prefer the ladies,"

Reuben whistled and winked, "Oh, that's perfectly fine! I know not every guy is into other men! Regardless, I have a few minutes before my next set with Stitch starts. Wanna chat before the performance in my room backstage? It's near the exit, so you can dip out right away!"

Jam shrugged his shoulders, "I guess that couldn't hurt, sure!"

Reuben let go of the monkey's tail and walked forward, causing his fat to jiggle around wildly as he did so. He then motioned for the monkey to follow him, "Follow me, my chimp cohort!"

Jam followed Reuben to his room backstage, which also happened to be right next to Stitch's room. Reuben opened the door and stepped inside, the simian knuckle-walking on all fours as he followed him. Once inside, Reuben stretched and removed his hat and jacket. The alien threw it on the couch next to him, before throwing his body down next to it. He was fully nude now just like in the show he came from, his hefty yellow body on full display.

Reuben rubbed the folds of his flabby belly in front of Jam, "Like what you see?"

Jam blushed even brighter than before and turned away, "M-Maybe!"

The alien reached over and poked the monkey's snout, "No need to be shy, friend!”

Jam shook his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment, "S-S-Sorry!"

Reuben shrugged his shoulders, "Relax, we’re cool! So, what brings you here today?"

"Well, I came because I wanted to see some hot babes, but I skimmed the flier unfortunately and didn’t realize what kind of club this actually was!"

Reuben patted the monkey's head, "It's fine, we all skim things here or there! Regardless, I have some things to take care of before I get on stage with Stitch for our shared performance, so I'll be right back. Feel free to try on my stage outfit if you wish, I'm sure it would fit you,"

With that, Reuben left the room. Now alone in the room, Jam prepared to leave until he noticed Reuben's discarded outfit. He had a strange desire to put it on, to feel what it’s like to be a leather daddy! Jam gulped and closed the door to the dressing room, as quietly and carefully as he could so no one would notice. He then slowly crept towards the discarded outfit in order to put it on, "I'm sure wearing it for a few minutes wouldn't hurt!"

The monkey removed his lab-coat and tossed it side. Jam smiled as he grabbed the hat and leather jacket from the couch and proceeded to slide it on. He slid on the leather jacket first, before putting on the hat. He then walked on all fours over to the mirror and observed his new outfit, shaking his hairless butt in front of it. Jam gave a mischievous grin, "Maybe I do pull off this 'leather daddy' look well!"

Unfortunately for Jam, it wasn't just a simple outfit. The clothing he was wearing was enchanted with "Disney Magic", which turned every non-Disney character who wore it into its previous wearer. This became evident when Jam's stomach started to gurgle, before expanding outwardly with a loud "BWOOOOMPH!" sound. The rest of his torso follow suit, becoming considerably rounder and fatter in the process. This fat also went to his rump, which expanded as well and became quite bulbous.

His tiny legs couldn't support his heavier torso and rotund rump at first, until they do too started to change. His legs grew longer and larger as well, soon becoming strong enough to support his growing weight. Jam’s toes began to change next, becoming more circular and stubbier in the process. The next thing to change was Jam’s fingers, which fattened and became sausage-like. The changes then moved onto Jam’s head, which became larger and rounder as well. His facial features warped to become more dog-like, including having longer, floppier ears and a big pink nose. The former monkey’s fur changed right after that, his fur becoming thicker as the hairless spots became tan-colored fur patterns. One such pattern appeared on his rump in the shape of a heart, much like heart-like spot that Jam usually had on his chest.

The last thing to change was his tail, which shrank and became much stubbier. It lost its prehensile nature, becoming what looked to just be a dog’s tail. With that, Jam’s transformation into a dog-like alien was complete! Looking at his new reflection, Jam found that he become an exact copy of Reuben, the only difference being his fur color.

Jam panicked, “What the heck just happened to me?!” Jam knew the outfit had transformed him, so he reached around his arms up and grabbed hold of his hat and jacket. He began tugging on them, desperately trying to get them off. However, they remained glued to his body and were too tight to properly remove. In fact, all the tugging did was make his clothing even tighter, which Jam quickly noticed and stopped try to remove it.

“Dammit, it’s stuck! Where did that Reuben run off to?!” Shouted Jam, realizing his only hope of changing back to his small and slender form was forcing the alien to do so. Jam tried walking towards the door, but quickly found it to be both cumbersome and tiresome. His increased weight made movement difficult, his big belly and equally massive rump jiggling about with every solitary step. It was disorienting, especially for someone who was used to a skinnier frame.

Jam wobbled about awkwardly as he walked, like a waiter trying to carry 3 plates of Jello at the same time. Jam made it to the door and attempted to walk through it, only for his fat body to get stuck in the doorframe. The alien dog-man wiggled and squirmed as he tried to get his fat folds through the door, “Eep, I’m stuck!”

Just then, a familiar big-bootied blue alien showed up to help, “Aka chunga, Cousin!”

The alien was none other than Stitch, who grabbed Jam’s hand and effortlessly pulled him through the door-frame using his super strength. Jam snickered, “Thanks, Stitch!”

Stitch nodded, “Ashi salaam, Reuben?”

Jam surprisingly understood the alien’s language, most likely due to being the same species now, “I’m doing fine and I’m not actually Reuben! He just turned me into him and now I want him to change me back. I don’t even have the same fur color, see?” Jam then pointed at his brown fur coat.

Stitch began to laugh hysterically, “’Meeda trandoca’? Acha booka moopa, Cousin?”

Jam shook his fuzzy head, causing his long ears to flop about, “No, I’m not making things up! I’m not Reuben!”

Stitch didn’t believe it one bit and tugged on Jam’s arm, “Tu micha!

Jam sighed and decided to play along, “Look, I’ll be out in a bit! I just have to check on something!”

Stitch let go and turned to walk away, “Morcheeba, Reuben! Maka maka!”

The brown alien dog nodded and smiled, “Sure, can do!”

Stitch then left to prepare for their duo performance, leaving Jam alone. The monkey-turned-dog breathed a sigh of relief as he wobbled towards the exit, sweating considerably as he did so. He wasn’t used to carrying around this much heft and he hoped he wouldn’t have too for much longer. Once at the exit, he turned his body to the side and scuttled like a crab through it and into the fresh air, having learned from his previous experience.

Once outside, he spotted Reuben and quickly noticed that he was loading up a spaceship with briefcases and other luggage. He was also wearing a Hawaiian shirt and had a smile pasted atop his flabby face, “Hey there, ‘Backup Reuben’!”

Jam stomped up to the real Reuben, the ground shaking under his flabby feet as he made his way forward. As soon as Jam made it over to Reuben, he quickly found his anger dissipating as he became entranced by Reuben’s looks. Jam blushed once more, “Eep, what did you do to me, I’m-”

Reuben patted Jam on the head, “Nothing has been done to you, aside from my clothing changing you form! You’re just having a bit of an awakening, my friend. All I did was speed it along by giving you a very voluptuous and fairly fat body!”

Jam grumbled and crossed his arms, “That’s not true!”

Reuben narrowed his eyes as his smile grew wider, “You sure about that? How about a kiss to prove it?”

Jam’s blushing intensified as his look of annoyance curled into a perverted smile, “S-S-Sure!”

The two Reubens closed their eyes as they bent in for a kiss, before smooching each other on the lips. They each reached a hand around to grab each other’s plump rumps as they continued to kiss. They kissed deeply for a few minutes, right before slowly pulling away. Jam chuckled nervously, “Okay, you’re right! I think I’m gay!”

Reuben nodded, “Knew it! Regardless, I gotta go on vacation, you’ll have to take over for me until I get back!”

Jam tugged on his clothes once more in an attempt to get them off, “W-What?! You can’t leave me like this, I don’t want to perform on stage as a fat alien!”

Reuben poked Jam’s belly, causing him to giggle, “I think you enjoy it more than you know! Regardless, only I can remove those magic clothes from you and change you back. I’ll do that once I’m back from my vacation,”

“No, you take them off right now!”

Reuben opened his ship’s door and slide inside, “Like I said, I’ll take them off when I get back! Regardless, you’ll probably enjoy it so much over the next few weeks that you won’t want to change back,”

“No, I won’t! I don’t even know how to perform!”

Reuben shook his head, “You’re wrong! The transformation gave you not just my body, but also my dance moves and mannerism.s Just get on stage and let your body do the rest! If all else fails, just mimic my cousin Stitch,”

Jam relented and hung his head, “Fine, if you say so…” Jam then turned to leave, only for Reuben to bump his rump against Jam’s, nearly knocking him over.

“You’ll be fine! With a rump like mine, you’ll be a hit out there. Now, go have fun!” After bumping butts, Reuben hopped in his ship and turned the key. He then flew off, leaving Jam staring at him as he left the atmosphere.

Jam sighed, “What now? I can’t go on stage!” Just then, Jam felt another sharp smack on his rump. He turned to see that the deliverer of the smack was none other than Stitch, who grumpily put his hands on his wide hips, “Spubata, la la patookie!”

Jam gulped, “H-Hey, Stitch! I think we’ll have to postpone for now!”

Stitch shook his head and grabbed the arm of who he believed to be Reuben, pulling him back towards the club, “Akootah, cousin!”

Jam relented and let Stitch pull him along, “Fine, I’m coming!”

Stitch quickly pulled Jam back into the club and towards the stage, as fast as his super-powered legs could carry him. Jam scowled as his fat body was tugged forward with his reckless abandon, “Yeesh, slow down, ‘cousin’!”

“Naga-takabah, Reuben! Iki bah bah!”

“Why the rush?”


“Oh, that makes sense…”

Stitch then brought Jam backstage and leaped onto it, bringing his flabby “cousin” with him. With the two aliens on stage, Stitch motioned for the stagehands to raise the curtains. “Tookie bah wah bah!” Stitch shouted at his “cousin”.

Jam sighed, “Fine, let’s do this!”

The curtains lifted as Jam and Stitch looked out at the audience. It was filled with hot anthros and aliens as far as the eye can see, all of them male! Jam looked at all of them, who returned his glance by admiring his flabby physique. He didn’t have too much time to look them over though, as the music started to pump!

Jam and Stitch began to uncontrollably shake their rumps to the music. Their dance was also rhythmic, as if their alien DNA allowed them to effortlessly sync and dance to the music as a duo. Jam was especially surprised with how mobile his fat body was!

Jam loved the attention he was getting too, nobody seemed to notice or care that he had a different fur color than the real Reuben. They thought he was the real deal all the same and he didn’t mind one bit! Being Reuben was quite the thrill! After shaking and bumping their butts together on stage for an hour, the club closed up and the two aliens left. Stitch smiled as he eagerly wiggled his big bum around as the two left the club, “Bootifa!”

Jam nodded, “Yeah, it was quite a nice time!”

Stitch turned to leave, “Pasawa,”

Before Stitch could, Jam stopped him, “Hey, Stitch! Uh… Where do I live again?”

Stitch snickered and pointed to a nearby mansion, “Aki tiki baba!”

Jam whistled as he looked over the mansion, “That’s mine?!”


“Awesome, thanks for letting me know, ‘cousin’!”

Stitch nodded, “Jhua tehrqua!”

Stitch and Jam went their separate ways as Jam made his way towards the mansion. He was surprised that Reuben lived like this! It made sense for a former big Disney movie star to have tons of cash, but Jam never realized it was this much. Jam knew he’d have fun living Reuben’s life until he got back. Maybe Reuben would even let him join the duo, making it a trio and tripling the alien fun! Regardless, Jam was satisfied with tonight’s events and wouldn’t change it for the world. He had a new house, a new booty, and a new sexuality, all of which he was proud of!


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