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Author's Note: Just a little story/announcement hybrid! Hope ya enjoy and keep your eyes peeled for what I have planned coming up.

I smiled as I combed my brown hair and straitened my red shirt, "Hey all, thanks for subscribing to my Patreon! I thought I'd do something fun for this announcement and have it be its own self-contained story. Regardless, I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to the Patreon so far! I know it's going to build over time into a larger community and I appreciate all the support you're giving me,"

I bowed and gave you an earnest smile, "So, lets get into the knitty-gritty: Dungeons & Denny's should be done within the next few days. It's just taking longer to spellcheck because I have to focus on other things in real life,"

I cleared my throat and continued, "I'll also have other stories out throughout the month. I can't promise every single story will be long and incredibly detailed, but I'll try to have a little something for everyone! I also want to do some theme months, like an upcoming Halloween event. I'm going to do something a little crazy and have the Halloween event begin in September! Isn't that gre-"

Before I could finish, a voice from below interrupted me, "Maybe I should handle the Halloween talk, buddy?"

I glanced downwards and saw a Jack-O-Lantern with a carved face meant to resemble a monkey. I raised an eyebrow, "Gourdon?! What are you doing here this early in the year? And why aren't you on Jelly's body?"

The pumpkin snickered, "Well, Halloween comes earlier and earlier every year. And I decided to give Jelly her body back for a bit!"

I shrugged, "Well, that was nice of ya! Sure, you can give the announcement,"

"Sweet, I'm going to need to borrow your body!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Why? You're clearly capable of talking, you don't need a human's body!"

"James, come on! You know an announcement isn't complete without making wild hand gestures while you talk,"

"I mean, I guess that's true..."

"Yep! So do I have your permission to take it?"

"Fine, but you better not fatten it up!"

The pumpkin let out a mad cackle, "I promise I won't! Anyway, here comes the fun part!" The pumpkin then began to glow as I lost control of my body. My arms moved on their own, before placing my hands on each side of my head. My hands removed my head with a loud "POP!" sound, rendering everything below my chin completely numb. My body placed my head on the ground next to the pumpkin, who proceeded to laugh at me, "Looks like you're not the HEAD guy in charge anymore!"

I rolled my eyes, not able to do much beyond that, "Har har, it is to laugh! Just go ahead and put your gourd on my neck stump and let's get this over with,"

"Can do, boss!"

My now headless body reached its hands down and grabbed the pumpkin, before hoisting him upwards and plopping him onto its neck stub. I watched as the pumpkin took control of my body, awkwardly thrashing about his limbs as he tried to get a feel for it. I grumbled, "You've had a physical body before, why all the struggling?"

He stood up, his legs shaking as he waved his arms around in an attempt to balance himself, "I'm used to wearing a female monkey's body! That has a tail and less going on 'down there'. On top of that, your body's just too lanky and hair!"

"In that case, I'll take it back now!"

Gourdon shook his bulbous pumpkin head as he straightened his limbs, "Nice try, but I'm still going to do the announcement in your body!" After struggling for a bit to get the hang of his new limbs, he sat back down and grabbed my head. He then placed me on his lap, causing me to blush profusely, "H-Hey, what gives?! I'm not a pet!"

Gourdon then reached down and scratched behind my ears, causing me to purr uncontrollably. He looked at me with a smug grin, "You were saying?"

I sighed, "Whatever, just do the announcement!"

Gourdon nodded, "Right! So, as James was saying, Halloween will start in September. I'm thinking we'll do the first Patreon poll in September, once we have more than 4 members. It's pretty scarce right when it comes to Patrons, and I feel a poll should only be done when there's enough members to participate in it. Hopefully, we'll have a few more in the coming weeks!"

The pumpkin-headed man then began stroking my hair as if he was petting a cat, "We're also looking for suggestions on what kind of stories you'd like for those months. Mummy or werewolf TFs are a must, but I'd like to hear what spooky characters or things you'd like to see our characters swap with or TF into! It could even be a plastic skeleton, as long as its Halloween or horror adjacent,"

"Don't forget about the Halloween party!" I shouted from below, prompting Gourdon to flick my nose.

He snickered, "Of course, I could never forget about that! So, come October we want to include the Patrons' characters and our own characters in a fun mega big Halloween story featuring tons of tranformations and swaps. We want this to be a big project and hope to have it done and posted within the first 2 weeks of October. It will then go live on DA and FA October 31st for all to see! Anything you want to add, my adorable little severed head?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please don't call me that! Well, one last thing: I want to thank everyone again for joining my Patreon. I know it'll be slow going at first and there will be some stories that aren't for everyone. Regardless, I want to do what I typically do on FA and DA and offer a good selection for everyone,"

Gourdon nodded, "Indeed! Well, looks like we've said all that needs to be said!"

"So, you gonna give me my body back now?"

Gourdon shook his squash of a head, "Sorry, pal, but I'm keeping it for a little while!"

I grumbled, "But what about me?!"

"Oh, I've got something special for you, James!"

He snickered as he pulled out a wooden plaque with my name engraved on it seemingly out of nowhere, confusing me greatly. I raised an eyebrow, "Wait, where did that plaque come from?!"

Gourdon patted my head in a mocking manner, "Pumpkin magic, my friend! Now, let's get your head on here..."

Gourdon then grabbed a nearby bottle of "Industrial Strength Head Glue", which I keep around the house just in case my head becomes detachable. Considering my current situation, something like this would be greatly useful at fastening my head back onto its stump! Unfortunately, Gourdon decided to use it to troll me instead. He squirted glue onto the plaque, before sticking my head on there. After the glue dried and my heard was properly affixed to the plaque, the pumpkin wearing my body happily picked me up. He snickered, "You're the perfect centerpiece for the living room, James!

I narrowed my eyes and let out a soft sigh, "Yeah, should've seen this coming!"

"You really should've," Said Gourdon, as he placed my plaque on the wall. With my head now mounted over the fireplace, I looked like some strange human-based interpretation of a taxidermied deer head. Unlike a real mounted deer's head though, I could still move my facial features.

Gourdon snickered as he poked my forehead, "You should've known better than to trust a pumpkin! I'm going to make your body so fat and wear lewd T-shirts. I'll destroy your image and your diet!"

I scowled, "You fiend!"

"Relax, I'm sure you'll be able to shed the pounds in a month or two. I'm off to go fatten up your bod, toodles!" Exclaimed the pumpkin-headed man before walking off.

I smiled as I looked at you, "Well, that happened! Regardless, I hope you enjoy all the stories you find here. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for coming! Now, could you do me a favor and scratch my nose? I don't exactly have the hands to do it myself right now,"


"What, you just gonna leave a head hanging?!"


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