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There is a time and place for everything, and portals to take you where you want to go!

Unearthed Spoils #011 – Portals Through Time contains the following content:

  • LORE DOMAIN - For a cleric, can there be a higher calling than a seeker of truth through knowledge?
  • SCHOOL OF CHRONOMANCY - Take the wizard’s forbidden path and learn a school of magic long restricted and reviled by many.
  • BACKGROUND: PORTAL ADEPT - This background may give a character access to forbidden places with ease.
  • SPELLS FOR A MATTER OF TIME - A full slate of nineteen chronomancy spells for a mage of time and space.
  • ITEMS FOR A TIME AND PLACE - Eight new items to manipulate the temporal plane, including a powerful artifact.
  • CREATURES IN YOUR DREAMS - Seven allies and adversaries to meet in this timely adventure and to add to your own games.
  • 5th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - A heritage has been stolen and the entire community is under siege from the crimelord who caused it. Are you willing to travel back in time and unravel the damage this monster has done.

This volume of Unearthed Spoils is no longer available on Patreon. It can be purchased on the Grim Press Store: Unearthed Spoils #011 – Portals Through Time.




This looks so freaking epic!!