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Hey Folks,

I'm excited to tell you about our theme for the month of August: Stomping Grounds - a month dedicated to giants looking to rampage through your D&D campaigns!

The following content will (tentatively) be releasing on Patreon this month:

We hope you'll enjoy this month's content!




Is the Nemesis release still planned for around the 18th or will it be closer to the 25th but by month's end? I know in a previous post, it said: August 18th - 2x Map Packs & Nemesis Release But in this schedule, there was no mention of Nemesis -- merely curious. :) Thank you for all your content, it's definitely top notch!


Sorry to contact you like this but Patreon Messages isn’t working for me. Patreon made an upgrade that made my bank think the August 1 monthly payment was fraudulent so they didn’t process it and Patreon didn’t retry it until about a couple of days ago but you should’ve received it by now. Please sent the August 1 rewards. Thanks.

Trevor Armstrong

Hi, Your account looks good on my end (from what Patreon lets me see). I've reached out via PM. If you can't read that message or see your rewards, please reach out via email at: support@grimpress.net and we'll get it fixed for you.