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Hey Patrons!

We have our monthly themes for Patreon content more or less set for the rest of 2023, but we have nothing penciled in for September 2023 and we thought it would be fun to let our supporters decide!

What's a Monthly Theme?

Starting in June (IE. this month), we've been coordinating our monthly offerings. This means that whatever theme we choose for the month's volume of Unearthed Spoils doesn't stop at our digital magazine. Instead, the Cavern Crawls, Unbound Atlas, and Fantasy Token Packs will be related to this theme as well. 

For example, for June 2023, we've a selected the theme: Devils, Demons, and the Adventurers who fight them! (Shout-out to the Diablo 4 release, which our team is actively enjoying and discussing on our Discord.)

With this in mind, we'd like you folks to help choose our theme for September! Please vote for your favorite topic in the poll below, or leave a response in the comments if you have a different idea.



Keep up the amazing work, y’all are awesome!