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New season, new aproach to this show. Still not very sure but I love the characters. So off to see Michael Cera in his adult form as George Michael.





I had forgotten what the original 4th season was like - on reflection I may personally prefer the narrative-focused format of Fateful Consequences. I don't interact much with your subscriber community, so I won't speculate on where everyone stands. I'd rather speak for myself: I would be thrilled to continue following your reactions to Arrested Development - there are fun, clever, zany moments in seasons 4 and 5 that I'd be sad to not get to see your reactions to!

Daniel M.

Just to make an analogy: a 6'6 guy is really tall compared to the large majority of people in the wordlkd, bit if you see him next to an 8' tall guy, then he looks short. The first 3 seasons of arrested development, are nearly perfect. As far a sitcoms go, it's basically at the top. The 4th and 5th season are good, compared to nearly ever other sitcom. However compared to the first 3 seasons, they aren't all that impressive. And it's important to note, that over the 6 or 7 years between season 3 and 4, the cast had other things they were doing and obligations, so the writers had to figure out a way to have everyone, but also work with everyone's schedules, which meant that you didn't have, for instance, George Michael and Tobias on set together everyday. If you were only going to have them on set together for one week, you have to figure out how to only have one weeks worth of scenes with them. So it was a tall task, and I'm happy to have two more seasons of Arrested Development. Is it as good as the first 3 seasons? Absolutely not. But there aren't many other shows that are. The best comparison I can make is Community. I think the first 3 seasons are phenomenal, nearly as good as Arrested Development. However the last 3 seasons arent bad, they're definitely worth watching, but they surely aren't as great as the the first 3.


First of all it was 6 1/2 years between the end of season three in the beginning of season 4. To all those complaining about the quality it went from being one of the best shows on TV to a really good show. So if you compare to itself it went the way of most shows, the slow decline. However would I wish not to have seasons four and five? Hell no- it was still damn good TV.