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Well, I mean at least he didn't kiss the fish





Holy shit... I went on Hoopla last night and read the entire series. (143-some issues.) Wow. I was really enjoying the show but seeing where it goes... goddamn, what a ride. And as great as it was, they actually made some really interesting tweaks - IMO for the better - in the show, so... man, really excited to see how they translate the comics into the show. I pray they get enough time to finish the story. (... man, the comics make me hate Amber so much more though. Her relationship with Mark in the comics was SO FUCKING GOOD. I can't understand how they dropped the ball *so goddamn hard* in the show. It should've been easy. That relationship is why I watched episode 1 of season 2, started episode 2... but haven't finished episode 2, haven't returned to it, in about 2 weeks. I just... I see how y'all just decided to pretend that first season Amber shit didn't happen. Ugh. I just have no patience for her or their relationship now.)