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You know every show from this universe is fire... get it? Fire!





You stopped watching before a final scene. But be careful, that scene leads into a preview of the rest of the season.

David G

Fan Theories: Emma's Powers: she has to expel to get smaller but can consume to get bigger. Lot's of people saying we will see Emma just eat and drink a crazy amount and become gigantic Emma by the end of the season Jordan's powers: In male form they are more or less indestructible, we see this as they transform into Male form when Brink shoots them and in all of Golden boy's attacks they eat them in Male form. While in female form Jordan has better offensive abilities Also, fun to note the episode says A-Train is the first black member of the seven but Black Noir is in the seven who we know is black so either Vought has intentionally kept that secret or is just outright disrespecting him