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These recommendations are made in the highest Patreon tier I have available. Thank you so much for all the recommentations and congratulations to the winners!


July recommendation.mp4

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Good to know the accident wasn't too bad; I commiserate with you about the hassles of dealing with an accident and not having your car as a result No problems with the way you pronounce my username This post made me realize that I really should have been paying attention when I commented for July new show; though, I know what I'll recommend for August's show recommendation: taking a break for yourself for August


Amazing! I love both shows, getting a July birthday present! FYI, the cast of Psych changes a little between the pilot and the rest of the series (although it is handled in-show, not just ignored) and the pilot of Farscape has a bit of setup, so it isn't quite as strong as an average episode. Still excited! Sorry about your car issues, commuting and needing to rely on public transportation can be exhausting, glad things are getting back to normal. Sorry Topher, you were so close that time!


When we first started I got three in a row. I was due for a correction. I got the movie anyway :)