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I am hypnotized by Kristen Bell's diction. I love her voice and the way she speaks so much.





I recommended Party Down (and I have a few other shows I'd put up before this within the same tier - Misfits?) because I think they fit the style of this "once a month (if that)" format. Veronica Mars isn't really a show that I think lends itself nearly as well to watching an episode every month or two like that. Do you have anything chosen yet to replace Archer? I'd love it if VM took its spot; watching an ep or two every week works much better. There's never any great stopping point for this show beyond the end of a season.


Party Down was made by many of the same people. You'll recognize her dad as the husband in the 1st episode; Dick plays the himbo (Adam Scott says he's in the generally being handsome business); Ken Marino (Ron Donald) and Kristen Bell both appear in both, although Marino isn't in VM yet, and Bell hasn't appeared in Party Down yet. Logan Echolls was in the 2nd episode, as the Conservative boyfriend of Alona Tal (the actress' name) who plays Meg in VM... she also hasn't yet appeared. ALSO VM was the tv show that they spoofed in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", the show Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell) was on. (I wouldn't recommend it. It's a good movie but there are many comedies in that same vein I'd put higher is all. But maybe you've already seen it.)


One more comment: There's this quote about Veronica Mars that they put on the season 2 DVD: "Why is Veronica Mars so good? It bears little resemblance to life as I know it, but I can't take my eyes off the damn thing?" - Stephen King, Entertainment Weekly (12/20/05) I like that because yeah... in some ways it's really grounded, with some real, gritty (I hate saying "gritty" because it can be used synonymously with, like, "edgy" which is a bad thing, but I mean it in a good way, like nitty gritty, being nuanced, characters having depth) elements; Veronica went to the police to report her rape and he laughed at her, which is very real, not at all what typically happens in fiction. But also, it has some cartoonish elements and characters. It's just really fun and it balances those two elements very well.


I always adored this show . I could definitely get behind this being a regular reaction.


Sucks it had some rough patches production wise towards the ending, but it happens to some really good shows. What can you do but be happy for what you get?