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Cheryl, I am in love!!!!





I love the fact that Cheryl became more "useful" to the group as a "Field Agent". Pam was always great because she is a great fighter and can kick some ass. But Cheryl was always kind of a wild card and usually not that useful in the field. Now that she is obsessed with explosives, which makes sense for her character, she can actually do something.


Ana, I'm loving these Archer reactions! So, I do have a question, although I assume you will start a new series in its place, will you keep doing the Archer reactions when Season 14 starts (which is apparently in production, but no release date yet)?


Anyone in love with Cheryl scares me... :)

Daniel M

After 13 seasons Cheryl, Carol, Cristal, Carina, etc has finally found her calling. :)