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Maeby+ Lucille, the combo I didn't know I wanted...





when Lucille 2 dated Buster in Arrested Development, it was a reference to Liza Minnelli dating Lucille Ball's 20-year-old son in real life in the '70s


I really feel like 8 is when they start to *really* flex their muscles with the interwoven storylines. The way everything came together - like Lucille struggling to lift the bag, then the reveal that it was gold cougarans, which fills in both the Lindsey storyline (George spending money to prevent her from being harassed) as well as the Michael storyline (she isn't frail) - just... such elegant story-telling. And of course they do the same things with their jokes, with set-ups and payoffs as well as recurring gags... god I love this show. Yet again, as soon as I finish your reaction I'm dying for the next.


Maeby and GOB both think Portugal is in South America... I love those touches. Barry with the "homo" line that they then pay-off 5 minutes later in introducing Wayne Jarvis by referencing the case he won against Barry representing Barry's assistant: "it'll be a long time before Barry Zuckercorn calls someone a 'homo' again". The way they gave *just* enough time in between Maeby arriving, the room clears out, and then *right* as you forgot about Maeby, she comes out of the room to see everybody left... brilliant. Some episodes ago they showed Tobias wearing cut-offs, which they then paid off in ep 7, explaining the reason... Community and Arrested Development might be my two favorite comedies, a great and deep ensemble cast and incredible writing, with such layered jokes, a variety of different types of jokes... and the writing is confident enough to not draw attention to their jokes, you catch so many things you miss on rewatches because of how smart and layered it is. I'm just so delighted that we got to go from one to the other.