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No, I totally get it, Roy and Keeley's break up shocked me too.





I think this was an excellent foundation episode. Roy's story about how he kinda wishes he had stayed and just had fun instead of quitting before he was fired. I feel that was a clear metaphor for how he broke up with Kellie before she could break up with him etc. Trent picked up on it quickly. I have really liked Jamie this season. From his use of a Ted-ism like "bingo el Ringo" to how he went to Roy and not Kellie when he found out they broke up. Taking charge in the locker room and mostly by generally not being the old a-hole Jamie. And he will be the one that struggles the most with Zava, is my guess. But will his new found maturity be enough to overcome it? I eagerly await seeing how that plays out. I predicted Trent would be writing a book about Ted after he was fired. I was close but this is actually much better than I anticipated. And I cannot help but think that Kellie, her friend and that credit card will be a part of a future narrative. And omg Beards' GF Jane sounds dreadful. I know the actress that plays her is also a story editor and writer on the show. I wonder if she is writing the Jane material. Anyway, decent episode and I thank you for sharing your reaction.