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Bella has been nothing short from fantastic!

Joel going from actively dying to G.I Joe in 5 minutes with the power of love!





Fun little fact, the actor who played James played Joel in the game.


I became curious when watching your reaction Ana, have you experienced snow?

Nictus Hazeldine

This is one of the rare adaptations where familiarity with the source material does nothing to lessen the impact. I'm on pins and needles waiting for the big moments, and they STILL hit hard. Speaking of which... Boy. The season finale is gonna be a hoot.


Really amazing performance from Bella Ramsay. She deserves all the awards, yes.


That I knew but I thought you might have traveled . My last wife had never seen snow so we flew from Thailand to Seoul so she could . The difference between expectation and experience that showed on her face was priceless.