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Shout out to Topher B for this recommendation, congrats on your win! I really enjoyed the pilot.




Josh Herbert

The UK version is the best version In my opinion.. man I've missed this show!


What a pleasant treat to wake up to. I'm so glad you enjoyed it ; now I know that shows the take a while to put the pieces in place with deliberate pacing will work for you . That adds a few to the possibilities. I can't believe I forgot that whole eye torture scene, you'd think that would be burned in my brain . And bleach that you buy at the store is very diluted with water. In its undiluted form it's extremely corrosive. Even though we know from the title who wins the wheel of choice was still a nice touch. Maybe run it a day or two ahead of the post as a minute clip? Just a thought.


The US version is a soap opera version. Drained of the best elements and the depth, tension, cinematography and that amazing soundtrack. Just completely lacks gravitas.


I was actually going to do that when I realized it was the last day of the month and I didn't want to delay it more


Great minds... ;) and glad you didn't delay it the timing was perfect. The lift I needed today.

David Cleveland

👊*shakes fist angrily at that randomizer*👊. 😅😒🤦‍♂️ But nice to see you found another pilot you seemed to enjoy and while longer form shows like this aren't necessarily my thing in general (and especially not something I necessarily tune in to reactors for in particular) I'm happy for anyone wanting to see your reaction to this. 👍️

Josh Herbert

I hope we get to continue this gem!