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Archer going back to his old self and messing up the group, oh what a season this is going to be...




Archer I feel like in the coma seasons was some kinda idealized and less closed off version of himself. Simultaneously more open about himself and his motives, and probably less selfish and more caring than he is in real life. This goes triple for dreamland archer specifically. Now that he is back in real life he goes back to being the one we knew before who is quite selfish and adding into the fact that things have changed and he feels like his role isn't there any more as everyone else has molded to fit what he use to do he is lashing out. I don't think we should cut him slack or excuse his behavior as he is a grown man, but I understand why he has done this at least.


personally i think we should cut him some slack He was in a three year long coma, in which he was semi conscious in his dreams. He was gone a long time, and now finds everything different and changed, including his physical abilities. And on top of that, everybody kind of acts he needs to earn his way back in and as if he did something wrong just by waking up. I understand that they had a good thing going without him. But from his perspective this must hurt a lot.., So i get the frustration. And then they guilt trip him into staying in the sidelines, which makes sense he is not as capable anymore, but still they could be nicer about it. At this point i feel like he is being treated unfairly mean by the others.

Ian Caudillo

Lana marrying Robert was so wrong especially since she met him at the Hospital while visiting Archer. But at least she didn't marry Cyril.

Krazy Karl

A fact not lost on Archer, he's out of the picture and, as you said: "Everybody's functioning, they have healthy relationships, they work, they're not incompetent." It makes us feel bad for Archer, at least until the second episode when he goes into full-on a-hole mode, the Archer we first met and fell in love with! I love your reactions to Archer! Like watching it again for the first time, I forgot about all kinds of stuff.

Yess... Cuban B

During the coma seasons (that existed mainly because show creator Adam Reed got bored with spy comedy at some point) when they originally aired, many long time fans seemed to really hate them. Apparently people hate change. When we finally got back to the spy comedy in S11 the way people wanted though, I honestly had a hard time adjusting back to it. At the end of the day however, I love this show and feel grateful every time I hear that we're getting a new season.


REQ: "Powder", (1995) Mary Steenburgen, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jeff Goldblum I don't do spoilers but it's not about skiing or drugs, just a great original story that usually gets missed by reactors.