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Brie Larson's character and Abed are so interesting together, I love it. Maybe it's just me and how much I love her voice...




Brie Larson was great i agree.

Thomas Yanez

I can't really place it, but few of this season's episodes work for me as a whole. The episodes are all made up of moments that feel like "Community" but there is something about the final products that just leave me wanting more. These two episodes especially, I found myself easily distracted from the show.


Yup. I think it just feels like it's so obvious they're trying to write Community episodes but it just mostly comes off as sitcom-y versions of Community. Each episode has such a rigid structure, the characters have very predictable and boring arcs: in the 2nd episode, of course Jeff learns to not be such a mean friend to Britta and he's taught that lesson by Pierce, who was off to the side before taking center-stage at the end, saving the day and explicitly telling Jeff the lesson. While the other plot has Abed learning a lesson, which is insane because he's seen all the sitcoms, there's exactly 0 chance he doesn't already know what he "learned". The show just can't be messy, it has to be rigidly structured; the characters can't be 3-dimensional anymore, they have to fit neatly into a box so that they can be archetypes that more easily allow each episode to have a rigid, boring sitcom structure. In previous seasons, all the characters were messy and while they could give Britta shit, she didn't spiral out of control, but she does here because that allows Pierce to save the day. I hate it.


I don't hate all of it. As Ana said, Brie Larson and Danny Pudi had great chemistry. I'm not thrilled about how it happened but I really enjoyed those two characters together in this ep. Similarly, the Susan B Hawkins thing felt very Community-y, although again, getting there was too generic sitcom-y IMO. The PEE idea was really good, although the execution felt underwhelming to me. Parts of it though... having drama students pretending to be PE students in the mock locker room was solid.

Thomas Yanez

That's a great point about the Abed dating plot. He's playing the game he already knows intimately, including the lessons to be learned, yet he somehow has to learn it. It's like the writer didn't get the point of what Abed is. There should have been some unrelated lesson that he used the situation to teach somebody else, or learned something he wasn't expecting to.

Loves Bitca

Nah, that fits Abed perfectly. Abed knows and understands the world through movies and tv, but doesn't have the emotional attachment. So when it comes to the actual emotions of finding someone he likes he of course has to actually learn it. Because he lacks the actual emotional understanding. He's even (before that) commited to the trope by declaring his love for one of the other girls, because that was what happens in movies, even though he obviously doesn't really love either of them. Worst case is you can say he was commited to movie plot A and didn't see that it was actually movie plot B.


That's how s5 and s6 feel to me but times a thousand. After 5x5 the show becomes completely unwatchable to me. I'd take any season 4 episode easily hands down over anything after 5x5. Season 4 still feels like Community. The last two seasons are just very very bad and don't even feel like the same show.