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You know, I'm not sure if the show actually feels diferent or I am just very aware Dan Harmon is not in it anymore.



Loves Bitca

I like this season. It's not the very best season, but it's good, and to me, better than what some people complain about.


I personally think people exaggerate. This season is not bad at all. It has some great moments, and the characters feel the same. Dan Harmons humor is missing a bit, but that is all.


I've said this before: the first time I watched it I thought it was fine. Clearly not the same but I thought if I didn't know Harmon wasn't in it anymore I might not notice how different it was. I would maybe think it wasn't top tier Community, but still good. I tried watching this season a few month ago, just starting from the beginning, and when I got to 4 I found it to be absolute fucking *GARBAGE* So... I'm sure you'll try to be generous and enjoy it, and it might not be completely without value (the actors are likeable), but it's pretty terrible Community fanfic except the people writing it aren't fans, so... mercenaryfic? Seeing 4 so soon after going on the entire journey (to that point) with these characters... they just felt shallow, the relationships weren't the same... I expect you'll push through and watch the whole thing, but I would honestly rather you just skip straight to 5. (I'll probably try to watch it with you, but... we'll see how long I last.)


The first episode was great, specifically because of the way they poked at fans on a meta level. In S3 Chang said fire can't go through doors it's not a ghost, now we have Pierce saying ghosts can't go through doors they're not fire. There's a bunch of these cross reference jokes between S4 and other seasons. They even make meta jokes about things that happened in S4 in seasons 5 and 6. It's kind of a full package experience. Let's put it into perspective. When the movie comes out, is anyone trying to tell people to skip 20 minutes of the movie on their first watch? Naww. Gotta soak it all in.


You said either "I" or some variation thereof 15 times. Are you God?


I do wonder how much our view of this season is influenced by Dan Harmon's view of it, and how much his view of it was because of bitterness! I haven't seen this season since the first time I watched it. I thought these two episodes were OK. Maybe missing a bit of Dan Harmon's sharpness.


i think it is so dumb to tell people not to watch a season in the middle of the Series just because they didn't like it. To me that is so weird. as if i told you to read a book but skip pages 100-150. No, i am gonna read the entire thing and make up my own mind.


skip the season? that is kinda ridiculous. You didn't skip it, you watched it. How would you know you don't like it. How would she know if she likes it if she skips it.


a ton. everyone that watches this series after it was on TV is bombarded and embedded with this narrative that season 4 will be bad no matter what and it forces people to go in to it with a mindset looking for it to be different or 'worse'. it's incredibly annoying.


asking someone to skip a season is one of the dumbest things i've ever heard and you're ridiculously overdramatic about season 4.


"one of the dumbest things i've ever heard" "you're ridiculously overdramatic"