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That video game episode was so random and so good! I wanna play it now.




you didnt miss an episode, i think it was budget/ getting the animation finished in time is why that ep is so out of place. Dan Harmon is notorious for getting things done at the last minute, part of the reason he was fired at the end of season 3


I feel like good shows can put off the story you want for a little bit without being too demanding. Sort of like Rick and Morty does, or even Atlanta.


Yeah... fuck I love that episode. Maybe my favorite three of the entire series - certainly season - knocked out: Pillows and Blankets, then the Law & Order ep, then 20, the video game. Not just is it fucking brilliant and funny - jesus christ the depth of that game! - as with the L&O ep, it works on both levels: the episode is damn funny but even if it wasn't funny the video game is kinda fucking amazing. Also, the moment where they forfeit for Gilbert is a really touching moment. It's part of what makes the best of Rick & Morty so good too: it can be so incredibly fun and silly and cool, then switch things up and be heart-warming. (I'm not sure I can recall a R&M moment that was *heart-warming* in that way, but... real, and emotional. Like when Unity rejected Rick and he nearly killed himself.) Moments like that elevate these shows in a way that you couldn't get with just comedy, no matter how funny.


Poor Robin Williams. :(


"Troy and Abed and Annie in the morning!" 🤣


I would love to play that game. Maybe i will make a lesser fan version some day.




have to check that one out. Thanks for the link.