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The Boys REACTION | 3x04



I'm only hard on Hughie because he absolutely fucking sucks as a person. Seriously, I get that he starts out as such a weak person to give him room to grow (and of course we see him right after his girlfriend is killed in front of him, so... not at his best), but it's so hard to like any character in this show (other than Kimiko, I think. Starlight's mostly okay). I thought he grew enough through the 2nd season, he and Starlight's relationship... but man, in season 3 he regressed *so hard* and I'm just so done with him. Whiny, insecure little bitch. I'd rather see him be ineffective as a super but emotionally mature as a person than the opposite, if we have to choose... he sucks on both counts. As a person, a boyfriend, a super... Hughie sucks.

Thomas Yanez

Speaking of subtitles, I needed them for your intro with the music volume so loud. :)

Steve Sondheimer

Went Homelander asks Vicki if she “Wants to pop his melon", that's a euphemism for exploding his head.


So... Kimiko better not be dead. I kinda think this is a good show, but I also really don't like any of the characters. Kimiko is the only one I mostly like. Starlight I kinda like. I guess I don't entirely dislike Frenchie because of his connection to/with Kimiko. Speaking of how I don't really like any of the characters (as people; some are great *characters*, especially Stan Edgar): that goes especially so for Butcher, who fucking sucks and is an unrepentent, irredeemable asshole. Fuck that guy. (Not for taking V-24 though. Not sure why they are "disappointed" in Butcher and Huey for that shit; you're fucking fighting Sups, how the fuck are you gonna do that without powers? How are they "better" than using powers to not die in their fight against the evil that is Homelander and many of the other Sups? That's outrageous.) That was my 2nd thing: Butcher sucks. Throughout season 1 I started to strongly dislike him; I hated him in season 2. Now in season 3, fuck that guy. He sucks in every conceivable way. Theoretically he may be better than Homelander, but only because he is less dangerous without permanent superpowers. Fuck that piece of shit. Butcher better die in this show; if this show ends with Butcher still being alive, I'll be VERY disappointed. Huey can teleport now. Why don't you go *TELEPORT* Kimiko to a hospital, you dumb fuck? (It kinda sucks that Huey, as bad as he's been this season compared to previous seasons - he's much more nihilistic, and the whole "jealous of Sonic Boom" storyline was so fucking terrible and pathetic; with all the shit you and Starlight have been through, you're really going to be insecure about your relationship? Are you fucking kidding me? That's just bad writing; injecting melodramatic relationship tension that doesn't make any sense just because them having a stable relationship isn't "exciting" enough. That's lame as shit - gets a kinda weak-sauce power like naked teleportation while the piece of shit Butcher seems to have gotten the Homelander powers.) So Butcher revealed that Mother's Milk is the better leader (no shit? Really? That's not sarcasm at all, I'm honestly surprised by that! This is my surprised face!) but for whatever reason, Butcher hasn't been following him. Even though Mother's Milk is the better leader, Butcher has been just grinding them down like the selfish, arrogant asshole that he is. Man, fuck Butcher.


I laughed so hard at "Why don't you go *TELEPORT* Kimiko to a hospital, you dumb fuck?". I do agree with none of the characters are likeable except maybe two or three, but the overall of the plot makes it all work together really well, also the actors.


"Why don't you go *TELEPORT* Kimiko to a hospital, you dumb fuck?" Maybe it requires line of sight. Maybe he doesn't have full control of his brand new powers. Maybe, and likely given he can't even bring his cloths, he can't teleport someone else.


Yeah, we're not sure what the rules for teleportation are. Maybe it has to be line of sight, or he has to be able to picture what it looks like (which, depending on how accurate his mental image needs to be... in any work of fiction they aren't ever going to make it need to be perfect - else they'd just make it "line of sight" - but if it actually needs to be perfect, that essentially means line of sight), maybe it's like "Jumper" where he has to have been there before. (And if it's pretty wide open - like he can go *anywhere*, then can he get "stuck" in rock or something? Or will he be nudged to a spot where there's room for him?) As far as the not being able to teleport with clothes though, I'd assume he can still teleport with another person; one assumes it's an organic vs inorganic thing. If he can teleport himself, I'd assume he can teleport another person... also without clothes. Maybe he could've done it, maybe not. Thing is, he didn't try, which is fucking ridiculous and irresponsible and selfish.


I initially started watching it before season 2 was out; Huey was such a shitty boyfriend that I had to bail during the scene at the fair (when he pushed Starlight to get him the VIP pass). I was just so uncomfortable at him being such a shitty boyfriend I didn't want to spend anymore time with him, or the show. I've caught up over the past week or so (I think I wanted to see Soldier Boy), and I'm caught up, so... it's not like I don't like the show, exactly. But it's a lot like Jurassic Park, or Gladiator, or Breaking Bad or Mad Men or Sopranos or Heat or Shawshank Redemption or... so many other movies. Like, I appreciate that they're good, that they're quality... but they're not very fun and I largely don't enjoy them. I'd much much rather watch a fun, silly show like "Psych" then a prestige show like "Mad Men" or "Breaking Bad" that just isn't fun, doesn't have characters I like and root for. The Boys isn't fully in that bucket - Starlight is mostly likeable, Huey has moments (I'd be so much more bullish on him, I think, were it not for that bullshit jealous of SonicBoom/SoundWave/whatever his name is storyline that they threw into the early season for no reason that is just so outlandish and silly, that somehow after all the shit they've been through he's going to be insecure about something like that. Really stupid and frustrating) and of course it's impossible not to like Kimiko. I keep watching hoping that I'll enjoy it just a little bit more than I do, I think; it's on the edge of being good but I'm not quite sure it's there. Sometimes I do but other times I'm more frustrated by it than enjoying it.

Thomas Yanez

Wow, you're really hard on Hughie when we have barely any info on the situation. I'd be more inclined to think it would be that he just doesn't have control of his powers yet. You can't even tell if he knew how he did the first teleport, it might have just been an instinctive thing when he saw MM in danger. And, based on how they like to give powers limits (Kimiko's brother somehow needed his hands free to use seemingly telekinetic powers, Starlight needs a nearby energy source (apparently she can't even store ANY energy in her body) and Victoria's power appears to require line-of-sight), I wouldn't be surprised if they had some strict limits on Hugie's powers to prevent him from being too strong. Having Homelander's powers be god-tier gives everybody something to fight against. Giving the "good guys" god-tier powers makes for lazy writing and deus ex machina solutions that cheat the audience.

Thomas Yanez

I have to say, I was a little disappointed with the power they gave Hughie. It worked for the scene, where he had to react fast when he saw MM in danger, but ever since the beginning of the show, when they had him punching a wall in anger/frustration, I was hoping we'd eventually get to see Hughie power up Hulk-style.