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Movie of the month coming through!

At the end of the reaction I was like that drunk girl at the bar crying and telling everyone she loves them lol

Also, sorry for the little hiccups with the lightning, still working out the new background.

Any recomendation of new types of videos you'd like me to do or ideas you can leave them in the comments or message me, all ideas are welcome! 


The Shawshank Redemption REACTION


Thomas Yanez

Wonderful movie. And, LOL, the face you made when you realized the worm was for baby Jake and not Brooks.


It's ages since I've seen this movie! Good to see it again. I enjoyed the movie more than the Stephen King novela it was based on (Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption). A novela called The Body was in the same collection, which was adapted into the movie Stand By Me. That's another great movie. Again, I think that King adaptation is better than the original story!


I hope you enjoy Clue if you do have time to see it. It's probably not the greatest film ever, but I find it a lot of fun. Lots of snappy, clever dialogue and silliness. Very quotable! It's built up a bit of a cult following over the years.


lol, I tried to warn you = P. It was a perfect storm of the acting, choice of actors, script, directing, location, everything just came together perfectly. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure I cried even more than you = P

Cornelius P. Stranglefart, Attorney at Law D.D.S.

It always makes me cry too. The green mile is also a Stephen King movie by the same director as Shawshank. Forrest Gump is another move like this, a little more light hearted.


Red's story from the book is when he was 19 he got married to a young woman and went to work at her father's company. He felt stuck in his position having gotten married too young, didn't really love his wife anymore, and stuck working for his father-in-law who didn't like him. After finding out that his wife had a life insurance policy on her, he rigged the brakes on her car to fail. What he didn't count on was his wife piking up her friend and her friend's child, so when the brakes failed while going down a large hill, it wound up killing all 3 of them instead of just his wife like he had planned.


Also, if you liked this movie, then you'll also like "The Green Mile." It's another Stephen King book adapted to film by Frank Darabont (the same guy that directed Shashank Redemption), it's another phenomenal movie. It also tugs at the emotions pretty good.