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Thank you so much for voting for this movie, it was an absolute blast. 

Don't be shy and tell me what's your raking on the Alien movies, I'm curious. 




Thomas Yanez

"Alien" is #1. "Aliens" is also #1. Everything else belongs on a different ranking chart.


I love both Alien and Aliens equally. Joint first for both. Honestly, I wish i had stopped watching them after those first two. I'm sure all have moments in our life that we wish we could go back and make a different decision, right? One of those for me would be to be able to change it so that I never watched Alien 3, and just let Aliens be the end of the story for me. The memory of watching Alien 3 as a teenager haunts me. 🤣 I know there *are* people who like Alien 3, but I have to question whether they have souls. 😉 Just kidding, I'm sure they have souls. I *expect* they have souls... 😀 Well, you asked! 😂

Thomas Yanez

"He's fucked. Oh, no. He's fucked. Say your goodbyes. He's fucked." LOL

Thomas Yanez

If you are taking recommendations, I'd say you should watch "Aliens" next just because it is as good as the first one, but a completely different style of movie, and picks up immediately where the first one left off. You don't need to watch #3 or #4. And, you don't need to watch any of the "Alien vs Predator" movies unless you have seen "Predator" (not a part of the "Alien" franchise) and are curious about how they crossed over between the two movie universes. Now, if you want to see the same universe as the first movie, but in a modern movie, that is where the prequels "Prometheus" and then "Alien Covenant" come in. You get the same director as the original "Alien", Ridley Scott, with modern special effects. Both movies are visually stunning and are an attempt to do some more world-building to fill in the story before "Alien"... though some have issues with some of the decisions made by Scott in his effort to establish his control over the narrative.


Always taking recommendations :) I'll definitely check out Aliens and Prometheus. I haven't watched Predator but I know a bit of the generals of the lore.