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Hey everyone! I'm still working and finishing up the second route from the December patch soon but for now, I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year! I hope 2023 is happy, prosperous and full of good luck! Thank you so much for your support and being a part of this journey. Happy New Year once again!!!


Mikkel frost møller

do you guys think that at some point tricia is gonna be fucking morty and morticia and the same time?

Mikkel frost møller

im just curious but is there regularity for updates or was the last 2 just us being lucky?

Arthur Cockburn

They used to be every 2 months, pretty on schedule. Ferd communicated a lot and even stayed up talking some nights when the releases were being weird. Miss the communication days

Elijah Duda

The more Tricia the more we love it she freaky af

Chase C

Happy 2024