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I really wish there was more interaction between the Chuds and Beth, I can’t help but think it was a missed opportunity. So, I wanted to draw Beth in a dress inspired by princess Ponietta’s gown.




Any idea when we get more Beth? Looks awesome!


When can we expect The next Update im Hyped for Tricia


Dear god, please tell me there's something on the next patch! Please... please.


How do you know what we love?


Looks great. I love her expressions.


I don't know if I'm the only one but Tricias Mom would be interesting somewhere, maybe in another dinner invitation for Morty


I agree with you Sliver, Tricia's mom would work good somewhere. That one event that she was in was great, she looked so good. Everyone has a handful of events but i think Jessica could have some more events added to her story. Since Tricia said she would help Morty out, maybe Brad breaks up with Jessica and Tricia sees that as an opportunity for him and asks him to come over to her house so they can talk. Maybe Morty shows up earlier and Tricia's mom let's him in and we find out that when he had sex with Tricia, the mom was actually spying on them and is dying to have fun with Morty. They end up having a little fun before Tricia comes home and BAM!! that's how he has sex with Tricia's mom and progress Jessica's story onceTricia tells him the news and a plan to get with her


Also, even though Beth has a lot of events, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MORE!! =) She is awesome. I know there was talk about a threesome with Beth and Summer, I think that would be great to save for the end before Morty is brought back to his universe.


I really hope it's not a final scene myself. I agree it needs some build up but I'd like there to be more then one scene with Beth and Summer. Even more if over those scenes Morty can push the two into some lesbian actions.


Thanks for the excellent game, it's the best erotic game I've ever played!


Aye hol up gotta agree with the fella, Tricia's mom would be great.


well this was a disappointing update.......


That was such a goofy ass episode lol. Beth looks good in the dress though

Robo Lorinc

I Wish one episode would be that Jerry will be a cuckold, the Alien leaves Jerry, and if he wants a relationship, he has to accept it :D


more beth is always good

Jonathan Heard

i would love and beth and nazi beth scene


Can’t wait to play on my mac again when it gets figured out


Can’t wait to pay for Another month of nothing and excuses


are we gonna get any update this month?


...just cancel your subscription and then repay when the patch comes out? bozo


More beth please!


An update at any point would be amazing

Robo Lorinc

when is next release ?


Agreed. If you have a problem with your sub, cancel it and only sub when an update comes out or drop it down the a buck and get the news updates till patch day. Personally, waiting longer for a larger update is worth the wait. My metric is as long as the dev is putting out 30min of content for each month a release was in development they are hard at work.

The Nubian Prince

but if he says there's gonna be an update this month and there isn't, and consistently that is what happens, people have a reason to be upset. we are still waiting on stuff he said would be done at the end of december.


A real update would be appreciated. We have been wait over a month for something we thought was a few days away. Times like his you need to increase your communication with your community. Please p


Not sure what you two are on about. He's provided updates quite consistently.


do you know why i cant download the game? i subbed but still cant get it.


how do i play the game