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Happy Valentine’s day everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying this holiday!

Not much has changed since my last update . I’m experimenting with my workflow so I decided to put 1 of the routes in the game already. I'm working on some SGs right now and when they are done I'll start adding another route.  

I’m also working on some animations, I’ve got a bunch of them so hopefully I’ll manage to finish all of them on time.

I still have a lot of work left  for this patch, so I can’t  give a release date yet, all I can tell you is that it’ll be this month. I’ll try to make another update when I put in the final route. I’ll take every moment I can get to fix as many bugs as I can. I’m very excited for you guys to play through it and hope you will like it!




Take your time


Use me as the "Beth is the best girl of this game" like button


Keep up the good work


What's SG mean?

Jonathan Rubio

hi I can't open the game on Mac why is that?


Oh man, I guess I was right about the Gwendolyn part, It looks like Morty will end up knocking up Bath after all awesome.


Can't we have a Beth and Summer are best girls button?


Seems like you were right. I'm guessing she ends up in his room for some reason and accidentally breaks the sex bot. And in wonderful hentai logic she will dress up like Gwendolyn so Morty doesn't find out she broke it. Can't wait to see it =D


Beth dressing up as and replacing the broken Gwendolyn will be amazing. Tricia is my favorite out of all of them and yet I’m still stoked for this


I want to see some bdsm or fantasy archer Summer and Tricia getting boned by honey maker Jerry


I wanna see beth and summer bdsm too but not with Jerry

Wilbur Conklin

At some point during penetration the helmet must come off. Yes, we'll know it's Beth but this game is visual. Need to see Beth getting plowed, with penetrating and her face in view. That's the simple image I have been waiting so long to see.


Honestly can't wait for this new update


Can you add a skip button on the dialogue please?


Feb 19th, it’s my bday. How bout we get this patch yo


are we gonna get a continuation of the tricia story?


when’s this patch cominnnnnn


Im unsubbing, your progress has slowed to the point that this is no longer worth the money


Hey it's your money but the amount of content in each update keeps going up. Faster updates mean less content per update. Frankly two to two and a half months per release is pretty fast compared to pretty much everyone else.

Phat Ballz

Just unsub if your so unhappy with the time frame. I don't see anyone else here making content on the same level. Stop complaining because you guys cant find something else to wack off too in the mean time. Some of you are being worse then all the Karen's out there with your complaining. You cry because it take's too long, cry because there isn't enough content. THEN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! go follow someone else you little cry baby Karen's!!!


Having expectations when I am paying money is reasonable. I'm sorry that I don't share your fanboy attitude. All I did was state my opinion, you seem to be the one freaking out because you disagree with me.....which is what a karen does.


Any potienal news on a date for this update love the content man keep it coming


Well the month ends in a couple days sooo any day now?


Honestly if Beth is suck dick with some animation I’ll be happy to sub for the next 3 years


Just wish there were more updates. Idc to wait on the patch but j being informed makes all the difference for me


It’s been two months and still nothing, I understand that it takes time but the people want 3.0