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Quick walkthrough:

-Drink the purple little potion in the garage.

-Talk to Beth during night time. ("Doctors orders")

-Talk to Jessica in school. ("Listen to Brad and Jessica argue")



Currently building MAC and then Android. Enjoy!


Can't wait!


i think im the first to download lol


uhhhh, the download links...?

Noah Salinas

let the games begin


Can I get a link to the android update?


download links wont work


wow iam just through some of the dialoge of the jessica route and the writing is topnotch like right from the series. they should hire you for their staff the newest season is kind of meh


i cant get the download links to work


(For anyone who has a “exceeded quota” problem, this worked for me) Sign in to Google Drive account after opening the file link. Replace the “uc” with “open” in the file URL. Reload the page and bypass download limit. Click the Add to My Drive icon. Select the same option again to confirm. Open your Google Drive account and right-click on the added file. Select Make a copy option from the context menu. Select the Download option to download the file to your PC.


The mac links don't work


Download links won't work for Android. Does not link to anything.


No dice on almost all the links. Looks like format issue maybe? Either way I'm stoked to try it out!


There are no Mac links that’s why


Link's are building, stop asking and wait


Where are the saved games kept? I am trying to do a full erase before I download the latest patch because I was having difficulty with the last one

Woah HG

Dude, the links are building. read the comments


Great work as always


Amazing work! Definitely want way more beth for the next update and some summer as well.

Phat Ballz

Great work!!!! Ty


Hey guys, I'm still waiting for that MAC build. I'm not sure what the hell is going on, but it's been literally over 2 hours of building so far... Maybe it's because I'm building for MAC for the first time on Unity 2019? I honestly don't know. Eitherway, it's 70% done now. Should be ready soon hopefully.


Theres no link to android download


BUG REPORT: Peeking on either Beth or Morticia in bathroom makes the screen go completly black with (so far) no fix

Jonathan Santiago

Android is by far the most popular platform, would be awesome if it was released first before all others in the future


how do i download for mac?


it's not letting me download game

Dobbins McGarnagle

Android should always be uploaded first, fr. Two PC links is enough before adding other platforms.


how you know you popular? also it's by order so just sit and wait

Wilbur Conklin

Seriously, waited all this time to see "Android" with no hyperlink. How much longer?


Any estimates on when mac will be ready?

Dobbins McGarnagle

Isn't there suposed to be a new potion quest? only one i can get to is breaking the deal with summer and morticia


Hey, take your time. You always deliver and I deeply appreciate it. The mac link will be out when it's out.


Got this and cyberpunk. Christmas came early! 😃


Is it still stuck at 70%?


Thank god no, it finally ended. I'm currently uploading it. Will post link soon.


Starting Android build, hopefully it won't take forever like the mac build.


Forever means = no Mac till tomorrow ;(


My b my b

Tony Stark

Screen goes black when peaking on Beth


Is the Mac link working for anyone else ?


Don’t know if I’m the only one but when I originally downloaded the new patch it worked fine first time I used it. But if I try to open the game again to go back it won’t run correctly. Like the system will start but won’t pop up the message to go into the game. It’ll black screen


Is android getting stuck like mac was so far?


Android is up!


Mac isn't working for me , won't open the application


The Android drive apk file isn't opening for me. Google is saying there's an issue with my connection, but I've got full bars on my phone. Guess I'll have to wait for the mega apk 🤷‍♂️


No android still. Same connection issue problem. 😩😥

Justin Barnard

Dido on the Android problem


Ya the drive link for android isn't working right


for MacOS Big Sur, You might have run chmod +x /Applications/RickAndMorty_v2_9.app/Contents/MacOS/RickAndMorty if it says "your not allowed to open this app"


android still not working


Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file that you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.


Android Mega link?


Mac doesnt work for when I try to open it, any fix for that?


For Mac Big Sur: I got it to work eventually via "chmod 755 Rick*". unfortunately it no longer presents the initial popup allowing you to run it in windowed mode.... but it now runs at least


Really wish there could be a bit more BJ animations, the BJs seem to be static mostly, show some BJ love plz! Doctors orders was awesome lol


Both android downloads are having issues with install


I finally got v2.9 to run under Mac Big Sur but this version only starts up in Full Screen mode and there appears to be no way to get it to run in Windowed mode - and, sadly, with an ultra wide 5k2k display that chops off the bottom of the game-screen so you can't get to the phone-control to turn the phone off..... which means the game is not playable at all [full screen on a 5k2k display] - arrrggghhh.


Wow the Jessica route was amazing, just wow.


Hey, I was just wondering if there's any way to get this on IOS?


niiceee that hottub scene was sweet

Justin Barnard

On android i went to the garage and it just jump do to Marty in a room with morticia and beth talking about the effects of moray drinking the potion, is that normal?


for anyone with problems on mac check this https://superuser.com/questions/898124/the-application-someapp-app-can-t-be-opened


more summer!

Tony Stark

How do you get to the hot tub scene?


okay how do i download this without deleting the old game?


Game gets stuck on a black screen when I go to the bathroom and someone is there.


I guess I was hoping for more from Beth


It won't work on Mac, I've tried everything. Please can someone help?!


Yo ferdafs might. I suggest a scenario the good Doctor Wong helps Beth with her situation rather "personally" if you catch my drift 👀😉


for Mac, first move the application into your applications folder. Then, in your spotlight search, type terminal. Last, paste for MacOS Big Sur, You might have run chmod +x /Applications/RickAndMorty_v2_9.app/Contents/MacOS/RickAndMorty into the terminal and hit enter. Now you should be able to right click and open the application from your applications folder.


damn this is the third update i haven't been able to play due to not being able to open the application on a mac, every instruction with chmod +x is super unclear so unfortunately i think im going to have to unsubscribe :/ really disappointed


how do i play it on pc cause my pc just got here today


OK, haven't played it all the way through yet, but, the glitches related to the potion routes are still present, and, when I run the Gwendolyn sex scene with Morty, the image jumps and flickers all over the place, (the dialog runs normally tho). On the up side, I can interact with Moritcia right out of the gate, which, I couldn't before. Hopefully I'll be able to run the new routes without having to exit the game and re-enter through "Continue From Last Patch".


Im trying to do it. -bash: /Applications/RickAndMorty_v2_9.app/Contents/MacOS/RickAndMorty: No such file or directory doing it correctly? or m i missing something?


An addendum. I discovered a way to get the potion routes to run after Tricia's "Rape Play". I went into "Mindblowers", and "Morticia's Mindblowers", and ran "Potion 1" from there. That unlocked the next potion route, (the slumber party/binge watching party with Summer, Nancy, and Tammy).


For Mac, first move the application into your applications folder. Then, in your spotlight search, type terminal and hit enter to open the terminal. Last, paste "chmod +x /Applications/RickAndMorty_v2_9.app/Contents/MacOS/RickAndMorty" without the quotes into the terminal and hit enter. Now you should be able to right click and open the application from your applications folder. If you can't follow the above instruction, let me know exactly what you're having trouble following.


I cannot get R&M to run in as a resizable Window or one with a reduced resolution - this latest version always runs in Full-Screen..... and a 5K2K display that won't work as the bottom gets cropped and you cannot access the phone-close button. arrggghhhh


OK, I got through the game. Couldn't access any of the 2.8 quests, like the Beth quest with the potion or the Summer and Morticia potion routes. I could access the Unity Bachelorette route in "Continue From Last Patch" though.


Seriously reconsidering paying for this!!

Jesse Elgin McCann

After downloading the android version, both from google and mega, I try to install the game but it just shows a message, "app not installed." Ferdafs, can you help?


Can't change resolution or choose which monitor the application goes on. Still, great game keep it up.


games freezes after peeping on summer in the bathroom but love the game tho


It won't let me work for Rick to buy anything I need


i installed the mac version and none of the new features are on it, does anyone know what to do?


Got a 3440x1440 monitor. I remember the game asking for screen-size. Now it doesn't and i am not able to use the phone ingame because of wrong image size. help?


Quests are overlapping to where I can't progress quests under other ones. I can't progress Tricia story when I'm doing Beths.


I get a black screen after peeping on summer at night in this new version. cant progress past it


I've been patiently awaiting some attention to jessicas story line, pleased with where this is finally going. Please spend some time updating the hot tub scene to include some animation! Jessica should be struggling to please, lick and gag on morty while animated, PLEASE!


I'm very new, could someone explain how I would go about to getting this to run on my pc after downloading it? What do I do/ need? Definitely would appreciate the help


did u come up with a fix? i restarted and am getting black screened, so sad