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Hey everyone just wanted to make a quick update about how the patch is going and post this sneak peek. So far the next patch will be mostly focused around Jessica's route and Morty's route (You'll see what I mean when the patch is out). There is a route I had in mind for him for a while now and I want to work on it this patch. 

I also want to thank you all for your amazing ideas for the Beth sleeping scene. All of them were great but some of them I really loved and I'll try to implement them this patch as well. I'll very likely announce a release date once I start importing the game into unity but until then I'll just be working on the CG's, Animation and script. Hopefully I'll have some time to fix some of the code as well but I'll see how it goes. 

Thank you all for your support, stay awesome!




Thanks for the update and really appreciate the time and love you put into the game. 👍🏽


I love this game and the amount of work you put into it! The hidden CG for Morticia in the kitchen a few updates ago never worked for me. Its flashes the screen black but doesn't do anything. Keep up the great work!

shea brown

Glad to hear everything is going alright. Keep up the good work man!


Looking forward to it big thumbs up 👍

Net Conner

Yes, more Beth. She's the hottest of them all.


Hm...what will Morty get himself into this time?


is it possible to request a bit more Morticia in coming patches? I love what we got but i cant wait for more!


will you update the mind blowers in the next patch alot of the scenes are missing. also i dont know if its a bug but i've been running into dialogue options/choices that shouldn't be available until later in the game. example being i was able to fly and buy the sex bot before rick and morticia showed up which confused the hell out of me since a random female morty showed up out of nowhere.


Thanks for this! Looking forward to the next patch! You’re awesome!


I'm assuming this update will be out next month. But from this picture it looks like it will be good so take your time


I posted to the community with no response. After the Tricia rape scene I get taken straight to the mindblowers room and there’s no option to get out. How do I get past this?


That was a problem from one of the earlier versions that was fixed in the later ones. Try downloading the latest version, (2.2), and that should solve that problem.


As always, looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the next update. Kinda curious about what you have in store for us in Blips and Chitz, maybe an appearance from Arthricia?


Still waiting for female rick....


Cant wait for jess story to unfold, will the beth work out stuff teezed earlier be in this patch as a side thing ?


Anyone knows when it comes out


i dont think im gona pledge every month from now on. I know its hard for him to keep updates on exact date but at this point its not really worth it.


I'm thinking same may wait every 2 or 3 months


Yea think i'm gonna skip next month and maybe come back in a few months after a few updates


Currently giving the equivalent of a biggie bag at Wendy or a starbucks drink (5$). Appreciate the quality of what you've been putting out but know Rick&Morty isn't your only project. Will keep sending five bucks a month but wondering if your planning on waiting to wrap things up so you can bring in whatever new characters/situations the new season brings? Its supposed to come out around thanksgiving.


Yea, but they're only making five episodes. It's like going back to work at the carpet store, Boo!


Im thinking its them messing with us. i bet the 5 episodes come out then after the holiday season they will release the other half


wow, really? I knew they were planning on cutting episodes for the next season to get done faster but figured we would get maybe 8 to 10 this new season. Between this and Bojack ending, its not looking good. Course if Ferdafs did a Bojack game I'd be throwing at the project like no tomorrow.


can ferdafs hurry up, my guy been taking his sweet time, its been a month and some change


Should be out in the next 2 weeks. next week marks 8 weeks since the last release and the week after is the end of the month. Ferdafs has been on a 2 month release schedule since the beginning of the year so that's what you should be looking at in terms of the next release.


hey quick question are we ever gonna see an ms.meeseeks scene with Morty like idk he tampers with the box or finds a collectible version of it idk just asking


Give us a date.


^ It's been almost a month since this status update without any word since which feels pretty lame. Wish you'd keep us in the loop more during development :/

j b

Whats the story? Whens the new update being released. You have a lot of followers and money coming in. But now updates are being stretched now more than ever. . .

j b

You have aprox 2300 followers - even at the lowest fee of $5 a person thats still $11,500 a month. Thats a lotta money, you can pretty much quit your day job and do this full time. Updates should be monthly and the mind blowers section should be completely updated to have all prior scenes each update. Hire some help if you need to. But you have a commitment Sir.


I believe he is doing this as a full time job if im not mistaken


Buddy. If you think he is getting a full 100% of that cash you might be retarded

j b

My calculations are for everyone paying $5 a month. I’m willing to bet that lots of people, including myself, are paying more than $5 a month. Also even at all subscribers at $5 a month (2385x5=11,500x12(months)=$138,000 (per year). Even if we take 30% off that for Pathreon “fees” etc thats $138,000 - 41,400 = $96,600. Do you honestly feel hes doing a $96,600 job?? Monthly updates should be happening - the point is, I’ve been following this and him for over a year and content is good but updates have slowed to a crawl. When he wasn’t as big, updates were quicker - being able to have a full time salary on a webgame is a luxury, and while I like the guy and love the game, I feel he needs to step up and put out content as he has an obligation- he isn’t doing this for free - this is a 6 figure job.


2.1 - 7th May to 1st July is almost 3 months 2.2 - 1st July to 1st Sept is 2 months 2.3 - 1st Sept to (most likely) 1st Nov is 2 months Seems like he is on track for the same update time span as the last one. I do agree that if he can afford it, maybe he should hire someone else, but I don't think he needs to be pressured into it.


Updates probably were quicker, probably because there was less actual content per update.


Bro, yall just need to go jack off to something else. Its a fucking porn game. Instead of bitchiny about cartoon titties unsub if its that big of a deal.


His point is that for 100000 a year he can afford to hire someone or work a 10 hour shift a day. If we had more regular updates, of the same content volume and quality were getting now, id upgrade my tier instead of my current thought that ill see how this patch goes and downgrade if Im not satisfied my money is being well spent.