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I've got my first response today, sadly, it was directed at a different patreon developer...

I already responded to them and told them that I'm not Mario and I'd like my ticket reviewed but I guess I'm waiting again... I wish the best to this Mario person, hope he has better luck with the support team than me.




Great news for you! Feels bad for mario


It's not good news at all... This is no way indicates that they have even seen my messages. Hopefully Margaret will see it now though.


Man, times have really been tough for ol' Mario. Guess the princess saving gig just isn't lucrative enough anymore.


Well you have all our support just stay chin up and it will resolve itself, just keep doing what you need to do. Keep calm and carry on.


🤣...forking bullshirt! #TheGoodPlace


Hmm thats strange considering that 1 weak ago another of my mature content creator on patreon was also under investigation by mistake🙄, they shure like to fuck ot up every now and then when it comes to mature content creators...

David Wilson

Does this mean that the content currently inside the game will not be removed? Trisha content, and anything else?

j b

So I missed the Tricia scene. What was it? And what in it would have flagged the mods? Isn’t this a mature site? What guidelines or restrictions are here anyway? Thanks


Honestly I still don't know... they still have not responded to me. I'll keep you guys updated if I hear anything from them.

j b

Well screw them, lets get the game rolling out again please


Ferdafs if I where you I would send also tweet on their support team it’s @patreonsupport and @patreon, that might speed up the process.


Any update?


Where can we find the Mario guys page? A collab between him and Ferdafs would be amazing/ yet humorous on so many levels. I would definiteley support that $ ^^ @Ferdafs

Caprice Dhusara

Still waiting for the next part of Summoner's Quest after Camille


Will there be penetration in the patch after V 2.0? Thanks.


Any update?


@Ferdafs Because of the whole original issue with Mario can you eventually down the road include a new crossover/parody world where Morty can drive his spaceship to be able to travel and visit in the game be able to fuck some of the nintendo princesses like Peach etc ❤️. 👏😊👍


I really hope you make the cuck stuff optional, Do not want ethan anywhere near us.


Hi, can I get the text of the game for translation


We really really really really really really really need a gallery for gods sake. You keep adding more and more text before a scene and its damn near tiring to click through it all without a text skip. Can you think of the player for once please?


Im sorry to hear your troubles hope its gets resolved quickly! Love your content! Keep killin it fam!

Mitchell VonEsche

Are you able to make a new account or are they able to find it