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I'm still working on the patch. Thank you all for your patience.

I deleted the previous post because it was getting a bit fired up in there. Thank you all for your support and critique. You're all awesome so please don't argue on my behalf. Thank you.


Alec Okahashi

And thank you for all the great content you give us


You've been falling back on the monthly update deadlines a little bit lately. A bit disappointing.

Matthew sosa

Exactly, I bet you don’t know how hard it is to do all that stuff, it’s takes a lot of time to do stuff and even more time for the smaller stuff, so like Alec said if don’t like it then go somewhere else

Victor Lewis

were just heated for what you do


How far off are you?


You guys should chill a little, he's just voicing his opinion. We can't all be the genius and handsome artist you two must be, to get how hard and long lasting the process of adding the already drawn pictures is.


There's nothing wrong with patreons expecting what was promised or voicing their dismay. Everyone who is a patreon obviously supports Ferdafs and all of his work, otherwise they wouldn't be here. Blatantly telling people to bugger off isn't helping his cause, you're hurting his income and making his community toxic. #freespeech #opencriticism


Good luck


Maybe consider changing the donations to every upload rather than monthly? That way you wouldn't have to stress about a monthly deadline, and we wouldn't have to feel like you're falling behind secure in the knowledge that you'll have out mkney one way or another, since the donations only draft upon upload.


No rush. I wasn't planning on playing till this weekend anyway.

Woah HG

im excited. Keep up the good work Ferdafs


Any new updates for us today?


We can ask for updates and complain that he is "falling behind on deadlines" all we want but it won`t change the amount of work he need to put down for it to become playable for all of us. Keep up the good work Ferdafs and take the time you need;))


Ok but you realize that you are encouraging his customers to unsubscribe, right? He doesn't want people arguing on his behalf because telling people to go somewhere else causes him to lose money.

Victor Lewis

That was a kick ass update! Really top notch quality content, hopefully with the next update we get some morticia content. Also wondering if two month update is going to be the norm from now own? Its not a complaint just a questions.

Chaza Bey

Hey ferdafa can you add more sleeping content pleeeaaasssee