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It's more like pure lineart at this point. This animation will indeed be of Unity from Rick and Morty. Will start coloring as soon as I'm done sorting all the layers out. 




I feel like I'm stuck in the game at a certain point. All the quests say "(to be continued)". But I know that I have be able to proceed with some quests that have said that. Where does the game stop with each character currently? Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything with this current version. Thank you


If all the routes say "To be continued" You've most likely unlocked all of them. Only Unity's route and the Pickle Morty route aren't written in the quest log.


you closing in on the next release?


Awesome can't wait.


So will it be posted in the next few days or sooner? The wait for this one is killing me now that things are really starting to progress.


I'd say next few days. I went a bit overboard with the CG's this time around so it's taking me a bit longer.


im keen to play this, do you reckon it will be out within the next 24 hours?


I'll do my best but I'm animating an extra scene, so I'm not sure yet.


Any news on the new patch? really looking forward to it


Going to bed now since it's 4am, but I'll get back to the last CG tomorrow and I'll start testing, if everything goes well, should be done tomorrow. Otherwise the day after is the latest.


any updates?


Fixing up minor animation issue and I'll go to bed. I will post the game tomorrow morning once I wake up.