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Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news - starting off with universally loathed tyrant skeleton-man Henry Kissinger Dead at 100, The Pringles Poop Tosser of Ohio faces charges in court, Investigation into UK Necrophile David Fuller reveals shocking new details on crimes, The US Senate's proposed UFO 'controlled disclosure plan', Arlington VA Police investigating massive residential home explosion after reports of an unhinged man firing flares from windows, a second person dies after allegedly consuming Panera's new "Charged Lemonade", "Sliders", Street Light Phenomenon, Listener Emails, and MORE!



Jacob McCutcheon

Add king Leopold and Andrew Jackson to your all time shitbheal list.


Pol Pot is like the Chicago Ripper of dictators. The klll count wasn't as high, but there's a level of evil there that is striking. Same with Kissinger. Made worse by the fact that it went on for so long without any real condemnation.