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GOOD DAY PATRONS (or night, I don't know your life)!!

Comment your questions below!



As a network, how much autonomy does each show have and if any, how much oversight do the three of your provide as "big guys"?


Have you ever been doing research and been terrified of the subject? Or what’s the most visceral reaction you’ve had to a killer/event?


What happened to Travis Morningstar?


US tour in 2024??


To any of you guys, what's been the defining moment for you as a person that you can attribute to your success in the podcast industry? And when did you feel you'd finally 'made it' (if that moment has come yet)? Second joke question: Did y'all ever figure out who actually shit in the tub? I don't trust Henry's confession speech.


Is there anywhere in the world you would absolutely love to go or never step into for fear of supernatural/otherworldly activity?


Will you be covering Thomas Creech?


Hey, boys! For Marcus, I first wanted to share my sympathies with living with Long COVID. It’s been such a disfuncional journey and it felt like we both started showing symptoms at the same time, which was oddly comforting, despite the terrifying discomfort. My actual question is, have you been able to cope/heal from the worst of it? And have you looked into POTS, as a post-covid possible diagnosis? (I was officially diagnosed and it’s been quite a change from when it first started!) Thanks so much for putting all the effort you do on the entire network. You’re my actual inspiration! Also, Ben & Henry are the like little demons on each of my shoulders. Hail yourselves!


If you all could pick one cryptid to interview on the show, which would it be? Also, if LPN had to form a cult-like compound, where would it be located?


When is the LPN cruise? 🚢 Last Podcast on the Sea! Also, do any of you still practice magic? And do you contribute any of the success of the show to past magic practices ie cum drinking? Appreciate all the work you guys do. Love you and love the show❤️


Favorite movie of all time? My favorite question to ask on a date - it really tells you a lot about someone. I got the answer “Grown Ups 2” one time. I hope that he’s doing okay.


My husband got to pick the question. Who would win in a fight: Fat Hemmingway or Fat Elvis?


Good day, i hope this inquiry finds you boys well. A question for each: if you could be any type of dinosaur, what kind of dinosaur would you be, and why? If this question is too personal you do not have to answer. Hail Satan, Gein, and yourselves.


Any plans for a future episode(s) covering Bob Lazar?


Oh the biggest question obviously is who was phone by the way?


I never got to ask this at the live show the last time you guys were in Seattle - but are you going to add the “fix Ben Kissel” tier to your Patreon?


Oh! Also have you ever considered the psychological impact of if your listeners listen to your voices roughly 5 hours a week with stream, side stories and main episode and have for years?


Rump? Or tiddity?


2nd question: Will you guys ever come back to Indiana? We know it fucking sucks, that's why we need you. P.S.- I'm an Uber driver and have a mom van (Ben will fit!), I can drive nice and easy so Marcus doesn't want to die. Love you guys! 💚💚💚


Which serial killer do you respect the most (craftsmanship, unique strategy, body count, etc) and why? I work in forensic science as a bone person, I'm an ok weirdo.


You guys have talked in past episodes, like Dulce and 9/11, about hearing strange clicks on your phones when having discussions about the details of the episodes and then noticing other clicks when you switch to daily life topics. All jokes aside, how real do you think are the chances that a government agency was actually listening in? Do you think they were monitoring key search phrases online and then tapped you guys when they saw what you were looking into? Super curious about your honest opinion, thanks so much!


what ever happened to Key Bump from the stream? Would he be willing to be a guest of the stream or the twitch?


Did Kitten ever come home Grandpa Henry?


Now a days, How do you guys decide projects and come up with ways of dividing up the work “equally”?


Any nighttime/bedtime rituals you follow?


Will you ever do a series on Jack Chick?


Ben, where do you go for political news that’s not super skewed right or left?


Did anyone on the network ever get in trouble for something that was said on early episodes of LPOTL or RTOG?


Mr. Parks, what is your favorite song about a true crime event?


Does Ben know the difference between an otter and a beaver?


Can you just talk about how you met your wives? More about your personal life off the show? And bens love life!!!?


What's your favorite Bird Luger memory? Swag to the moon!


Question for Marcus: I'm a fellow life-long drummer. What kind of drum set do you currently play? I want the sexy details - Brand, model, tom sizes, cymbal preferences, hardware.... Are any of your former bands and recordings on streaming platforms? I remember you promoting The Cattlemen playing a show on a LPOTL epidode from 7 or 8 years ago. I'm from Mississippi; seen y'all live in New Orleans in 2021. My wife is the doctor who took care of that really drunk girl who fell down on the front row. Add Hattiesburg to your next tour!


What is your favorite kill in all of horror films?


who is becky?


How many times did you poop this week?


You guys clearly seem like real genuine friends, but have you ever had to record an episode while you were mad at each other?


Where can I get murderfist tickets?


Norman Conquest of 1066 Series when?


I'm wondering what some of the weirdest mail or letters you've got might be?


If you were a god, what would you be the god of?


Henry, have you had any further encounters with the Scungilli Man?


When did the three of you realize that what you had created was working?


Ben, you single or whats good?


Marcus & Henry, when not reading for research what are you into?

Cody Austin

What would you most like to tackle from another country or another language source? If Marcus gets struck by lightning and can speak and read in another language, what are the stories you're getting into first?


Have you ever had the family of either a victim or killer that you've covered reach out and say you got it wrong or right? Don't have to share who but what did they say and how did it make you feel?


Do you think aliens drink alcohol? And if so what kind of booze do you think they would enjoy?


What's been the hardest topic to cover on the show?


what were a couple of the biggest barriers/challenges of starting a podcast


and most rewarding moments of your career so far?


In the early days of the show and back to roundtable, people have sent gifts like beef jerky, oodles of towels for Ben to acclimate to indoor living and thrown things like CIA challenge coins onto stage after shows. What are some of the best things you have received? I imagine in the early days with a handful of listeners, getting fan mail was exciting, and endearing.


Can we talk about holding a "Fund Raiser" event where people get to throw tomatoes, and pies at Holden. Actually the charity doesn't matter, can we hold an event to throw stuff at Holden?


Is the Springhill Jack Red Eye Blend coffee ad recorded anywhere? It’s been stuck in my head for weeks and I need to hear it.


What is Marcus’s favorite Ween album? And his favorite Ween show he’s ever attended? HAIL BOOGNISH


Have you ever been to a Cirque du Soleil show? I was randomly watching the “Cabinet of Curiosities” one on YouTube. It would be wild to take a little bit of magic substances and watch one in person, could be cool or just terrifying lol

Joseph Crawley

Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?


Will you upload earlier episodes (1-whichever was the last episode before you started releasing ad free episodes on Patreon)? if so, would you be able to organize them/hard code them so that they appear in order with the existing episodes? I ask the second bc I like being able to listen to things from start to end and having things organized and labeled in order for certain or specific things—idk which one bc it depends on the context—(this could be just a me thing, could be a ADHD and/or neurodivergent thing, could be all of the above, and/or could be something else locked away in my brain cavities, who knows). Anywho, also let me know if you’d lien help with doing this task bc I enjoy data entry and organization (def trauma+ADHD or purely my ADHD) and I’m happy to do that work for free

Angelique Collins

Shit, I didn't realize how quick the episode was posting! I'm an asshole. Will you be doing more of these in the future?

Angelique Collins

Bless you, haha, I'm the same way with many things in my life. (Dx ADHD, OCD, C-PTSD) When first falling into the LPOTL hole, I used Spotify to compare their earlier episode lineup to the Patreon lineup and it helped a bit. Sidenote, there's an early Patreon series without Part 2, but you can find it on Spotify (if you don't mind ads).


Can you make us some special videos like id love to see a satire of your “morning routine” of a vlog of your day I feel like Natalie, Jackie & Carolina could probably make youtube vlogs and we would all watch it every week to see what’s cooking in the households

Andrew P.

Are you guys still friends with Ben? 🥺