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This week the boys don their tinfoil hats once again, to breakdown the mysterious tale of a UFO story dubbed "The Welsh Roswell", as well as one man's account of his bizarre experiences within the ranks of an extra-terrestrial training program.



Poor one out for the guys' inbox if they're gonna try and pronounce Cymraeg. I promise to not pile on. 😂


It sounds like Russ was genuinely being abducted and had missing time and radiation sickness, but you can't trust hypnotic regression without independent corroboration, so the whole galactic war story could easily be false memories accidentally induced under hypnosis. They were probably just milking him like they do everyone else, lol.


I’m thinking about Halloween, too, Kissel. In April.


Oh, Teleportation Sickness! Must be what a bunch of us have.


Glad to see UFOS again!


I saw an Orb back in the winter of 1993. I didn’t know what it was until this episode. First I thought it was a comet because that’s how it looked and we didn’t have the internet back then, or LPOTL to guide me. Thanks fellas👍🤟🏼 Now, here’s my defense of Richard Dawkins: He’s old.


Tall Blue Bald Aliens? Or Tall Blue-Balled Aliens?


I've listened to this twice and still have no idea what actually happened but it's so good I'm giving it a third to try to get it all sorted 😂