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Hey there, Last Podcasters! Here's Marcus reading from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Naturally, it gets pretty heavy.

ALSO: We know a lot of you haven't received your care packages yet. We're pumping 'em out as quickly as we can, but if you'd like to get a status update on your shirt, please email our friend Travis at [ travismorningstar@gmail.com ] --- he's more than happy to get you sorted out. And thanks again for your patience with this stuff.

ALSO, ALSO: Keep your eyes peeled for a Patreon-exclusive bonus video that we'll be sharing with you guys from a special show we did in LA.

Hail + Megustalations!






This my shit, right here! Fun fact, obelisks represent the earth god Geb's dick as it reaches to Nut in the sky. They are forever separated, yet he can still get it up for her. True love. I guess that's not technically a fact...


Yay! I like the reverb


That was pretty metal.


The sound effects and background music really make it. OSIRIS!


Liking this! Also, same as Luis Franco on my end, but I'm not having panic attacks YET ... Merry Goat King Day everyone!


Dang dog meat


Don't know if you ever got your shout out or not but I found out I didn't get mine for a long time because I did not confirm my email address via the link that was emailed after you signed up.


Can I get Marcus to read my health insurance and 401k info to me?

Angelique Collins

I am pleased as punch about this. We are required to learn a heavy amount of Egyptian death rituals/practices as part of our Mortuary Science curriculum :)