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Howdy patrons!

Raise your hand if you are coming to the New York show this Thursday.

Raise your other hand if you want this shirt.

Don't forget to grab yourself a shirt this Thursday!

Tickets here:https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/3B005ADEA245143F




Haha do we get a discount for the show being postponed like four times? 😂😂😂 looking forward to tomorrow! 🤘🏻


So sad I have to miss this 😵‍💫 in the hospital currently


Damn that's a sick tee

Derek Millner

Hope you’re doing ok Molly! We need you at the peak of your performance!




That shirt’s awesome, have to pick one up tomorrow 🤘


I was supposed to go with six different friends but because of the dates changing nobody can make it... Except for me... So I'm going solo. Hail me I guess!


I’ll buy it…even though it’s a white T-shirt


i want to go so bad because thursdays my birthday, but some family friend decided to get married the same night. UGH. i’m still trying to decide which one to go….

Tim Evert

Damn it I'm in Iowa

Justin K

Same. Solo flight for me as well. It’ll be just as good. Anyone you sit next to is gonna be in the same headspace.

Justin K

The show. Weddings are a lie!


I’ve been gripping these tickets with my sweaty little hands for almost 3 years. Someone save me a size small!