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It's time for one last dance with the aliens before we reach big ole' 500! This week the boys are discussing possibly the most mysterious mass UFO sighting ever recorded, the Ariel School Incident of 1994, in which 62 students of a small Zimbabwe school witnessed and communicated with what can only be described as an extra-terrestrial phenomena!



Honestly, the anal nerd in me dies a little every time the numbering is thrown off - they're probably at about 510ish at this point but wHaTeVeR


Dr. Mack's study on abductees is phenomenal - the whole bit regarding the paradigm of initiation is so intense, gave me nightmares when i was 16


Meh. These silly episodes and the relax for are absolutely awful


So…is this the same “UFOs over Africa” by Cynthia Hind???….which is $90 on Amazon?


Please would you do a show about the Dogon tribe. Ty


I'm split on whether this was an extra-terrestrial visitation or an experiment by a secret service or military organisation experimenting with technology to project images etc. on to a whole crowd of people. Choosing to make it seem like an alien movie scene would be a good way to throw people off their scent and ensure most people wouldn't even take the witnesses seriously.


I can’t wait for episode 500! I’ve been on this wild ride with the boys for 5 years! So proud of them.