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Hey! We're gonna be doing our live Q&A today at 4 PM EST though a *secret* youtube link. Don't worry, even if you can't make it for the live part we'll still post it for all you Patreon people to watch any time you like. We're setting up the stream now so watch out in the comments for the link! And, of course, if you have any questions, post them here to get a head start. 



This is for al three of you. If you had to murder one of you who would it be? How would you do it?


What you think the crossover moment, when conspiracy thought became mainstream, was? I say the JFK assassination and the Oliver Stone film.


Woo, I will get to watch this now! One more question I suppose: Has doing this show changed you in any deep way? Religiously or spiritually? Morally or ethically? How you view humanity? And even how you now view each other?


How much has the show changed from your original vision, and what's the journey been like?


I love the topic of cults that you guys have covered. Do you think that someday you could do an episode on the Jehovah's Witnesses and their links to the Free Masons, pyramidology and mind control? Thanks!


Any plans on doing a UK/Europe show? Love from Sweden!


After all the research and talking about murderers and their techniques. Have you a favourite killing technique and if you were to be a victim. What way would you go?


Favorite tarot deck? When are you going to do the chaos magic episode? Any plans for Jack the Ripper? Any idea if Rose West became a Jehovah's Witness? That would make two, with Peter Sutcliffe. Hails!


Great show guys. It was fun to see the gang and watch Henry get jocular. Keep up the great work!


Is it bad that I don't feel as bad for Jay Sebring because he shouldn't have been tryin to mess with Romans old lady while he was gone. Idk. It's all bad but... I been thinkin about that alot lately #hailsatanatas