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We end our series on Arthur Shawcross by detailing his second brutal killing spree — which leaves in its wake several dead Rochester sex workers — and his subsequent arrest and confession.



Katie Guidry

Red, white and blue brain damage 🤣🤣🤣 so fitting for current times lmao


I like to think Detective Mermaid and Detective Popcorn have had to team up to solve a particularly difficult case. That, or Det. Popcorn was used to working alone, and got Det. Mermaid as a new partner. Being vocally opposed, and fighting the change at the beginning, grows to respect and appreciate what Mermaid brings to the table. Not sure what Det. Mermaid might sound like, but I'd love to hear Det. Popcorn and Det. Mermaid sound like in a conversation. Either at the scene of a recent crime, or they're in a car, in the middle of a steakout, and see someone they know shouldn't be there, and all the puzzles fall into place