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On the debut episode of Good Pud, Henry is joined by video performer Jackie Zebrowski to discuss pudding vs flan, simple pleasures, and more.




That was dumbest load of arse garbage I’ve ever heard. Can’t wait till next Ep.


I signed up for patreon just so I could listen to this


Thank sweet satan for Good Pud! I'm listening to it on a loop since the apocolaypse began, it's very soothing, thx guys!


This was amazing! I do wish I could see the puddings hahahah


This might of been THEE funniest shit due to the fact that they were both hungover as FUCK maybe still drunk. As well as knowing that if ur that hungover the fucking texture of pudding would most likely make me wana vomit....and then maybe eat it again 🤣🤣🤣


This really made me miss hanging out with my siblings, who both live far away from me ❤️ Hope we get more Good Pud in the future!


I’m obsessed with this! I am lovin the puddin podcast but more than anything I really just want more Henry and Jackie content!! I need more Zebrowski siblings!!!


I literally signed up for patreon just so I could listen to Pud and then you broke my heart by saying no to Flan. What's next, creme brulee?


I laughed my ass off listening to this and cleaning my bathroom. Just give the Zebrowski’s their own show permanently!


Love it!!! This is literally the greatest thing ever!


When I was 12 I put cat food in my little brother's pudding on New Years Eve. He gagged, I lauged til I pissed. My mom screamed at me til I cried. It's my favorite childhood memory.


LOL, we just got the drop on this and love it. Glad you liked the Ube Upside Down Pie! It sounds like the 2nd one is Buko Pandan (coconut screwpine leaf - popular in SE Asia) pudding is generally a pot custard (cooked in a pot on a stove) and Crème Caramel is a baked custard. 🥰 Thanks again for stopping by. We're actually coming out with an actual pudding line at Whole Foods! 😁