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Hey Last Podcast fans. You may have just heard the big news that we have a new ad partnership with Spotify.

Well, we just wanna clarify: If you're reading this message, that means you'll continue to receive the same ad-free episodes and bonus interview episodes on your Patreon RSS. 

We're moving the show from iTunes and third-party podcast apps over to Spotify in the first couple of months of 2020. The show will remain free and accessible to anyone on Spotify, it'll just require the use of that particular app.

If you pledge $5/month for ad-free Side Stories and bonus eps on whatever app you're using. But you gotta listen to the *main* eps on Spotify (again, it's still free).

But if you pledge $10/month for ad-free Side Stories AND ad-free Last Podcast on the Left AND bonus eps, nothing changes at all. Continue to listen on your Last Podcast Patreon feed on whatever app you're using.

The Patreon RSS feeds still work in third-party podcast apps. 

Your support means the world to us, especially as we continue to grow and expand this freak show. So thanks again for listening.

Hail yourselves!



I have Spotify premium, will ads be in the episodes like your current free content or will it be "Spotify's ads"?


I was already thinking about bumping up my pledge to $10... this actually made me do it. My commute is too long to be able to switch apps while I'm driving lol


Congrats guys! I seriously don’t get the outrage from some people. Either join the patreon or download the free Spotify app. Talk about your first world problems...


Good news yet I won't lie I'm conflicted I am also wanting to continue my support. I will need to see how all this shakes out for the whole family of podcasts before I upgrade my Patreon. Luckily to help evaluate during this transition, Spotify is currently offering a 3 months trial through December 31st good even for a poor sinner like myself who let my subscription lapse (for lapsed Premium subscribers the offer good if you canceled before October 19th).


I listened to a LOT of your eps for free before joining you on Patreon. Whatever you need to do to stay viable makes sense to me! Best regards


Hi guys! First off, I know this is a done deal so points are moot and I don’t disagree with the choice for the most part but... moving to Spotify exclusively I think is the opposite of leaving the “Apple overlords.” iTunes is nothing more than an (rss)aggregator for podcasts. They don’t host or promote (for the most part) or even really try to dominate anything from a podcast perspective. It’s been said they have one guy working on their podcast app. Right now ANYone can grab the link and add it to their player of choice. And players can aggregate from iTunes directory or anywhere they choose. Just a few cents of thoughts for your grassroots built podcast network. Congrats though on being in the position to be even considered for this by Spotify. Just a word of caution as corporations move podcast from free and open to closed and segregated eco systems. Hail yourselves and megustalations. ❤️


I think you gotta do what you gotta do, and no matter what people will complain. I'm proud to sponsor the show on Patreon. Hail Eris.


I ❤️ you guys!


I find it ironic how Ben said he refuses to download another app during a live-streams (referring to TickTock) but now you’re asking us to download another app. 😅


Folks, I get it. Get your money, make your living. That said, do understand that app-exclusivity is a huge hassle for your audience, and is bad for the medium of podcasts overall. The major strength of podcasts is that that are uncentralized. I'll still happily support you, but please understand that this is bad for podcasts as an industry.


Bloody hell. I love you guys, but I hate walled gardens.


Not gonna lie... I tried switching to Spotify and I HATE their platform for podcasts. In fact, I hate it so much but love you guys so much that I became a Patron so I can continue using my reliable Pocket Casts app! Can’t blame you though. Get that paper and megustalations boys!