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On the first of our three part series on Dr. Josef Mengele aka the Angel of Death, we follow the rise of possibly the cruelest of all Nazis as it runs concurrently with the advancement of the deadly science in early Nazi Germany that eventually led to the Holocaust. 




Are they going to get into the denialism thing at some point? Because if you're going to do things on Auschwitz and Josef Mengele and the Holocaust, you might have to adress this particular brand of toxic lunacy. It's certainly relevant to modern Nazi ideaology, and it kind if springs out from that conversation they have here about the Nazis hiding their misdeeds from their own people even in 1938.


Hey all! I only just got around to listen to this episode and I LOVED it. Just a little thing: Totenkopf does translate to Deaths head technically (just like Flugzeug translates to fly thing and means plane), but it‘s just the German word for skull. Although I do think that the English language should adapt deaths head as it sounds a lot more awesome! Lots of love from Berlin! x