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Ben and Henry are back with some good old-fashioned chat. Real wholesome like. We even heard that listening to Side Stories is good for your bone and joint health*. Triple L.

Topics this week: Ghost babies, plane theft, and more.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


Poop Lips

This podcast has opened my eyes to the darkness of the real world. You guys totally need to do a series on the rampant sex abuse and cover ups in the Catholic church, possibly the best example of our day to day lives at its darkest


If you actually need your fix for child sex abuse, listen to Satanic govt/Franklin cover up episodes. And for the “best example of our day to day lives at its darkest“, just read the latest political news.

Simia Canis

The scariest thing is that most evil in the world is done by someone "just doing their job" or "just following orders."


Pol Pot. That guy was an evil killer. Towers filled with human skulls? check. Murdering everyone with glasses? Check. I'm sure he also had a micro penis! Check!