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Marcus talks to sex worker advocate Susan Davis about her brush with serial killer Robert Pickton and the uphill battle that is protecting the sex worker community.



Doing catch-up on some older pods; this was really incredible work. You're a *great* interviewer.


Just stumbled across this! I have listened to this series a dozen times. Excited for some ancillary content


This ones tough at parts. Amazing job Marcus!


Great interview. Hope you're able to do more like this in future episodes. Being from Canada this story of discrimination people because they are sex workers leaves me very angry. I feel like I need to go yell at someone with power.


Great interview! Invisible Chains is a great book about the sex industry in Canada. It deals more with human sex trafficking but some of the issues are obviously relevant.


awesome interview.. thank you for sharing Marcus.

Elodie Westover

This was a really great interview. I'd love to see you guys do more like this. I've been really, really happy with your coverage lately. You guys just keep getting better with every episode, it's incredible.


What a great interview! Very sensitively done.


Great interview - Susan and her colleagues should be applauded for the great work they do. And Marcus was as sensitive as ever - where most people would have fixated on “But what was Pickton LIKE‽”, MP allowed Susan to tell her story. Thank you for this.


What an amazingly strong woman!! And bravo on being such a human during the interview, Marcus. This is really important.


This was an amazing interview!


So awesome! Great work, Marcus. I was at the Rickshaw Theater this past summer for a metal festival. I’ve never seen anything like what what I witnessed while in that neighborhood. I was chatting with locals about it, and it’s absolutely disgusting what the City of Vancouver and the cops have been up to over there for decades!


This is a amazing interview. Susan is doing great work.