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Ray???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????After all, the inverted nipple gimmick has been a dead material. However, if you are interested, see the attached.?




Hey nana, long time no see. It's datklaydoe from iwara. Been meaning to message you about alot of your great content and clarify some things about some of your videos. But for now just replying to this post. I really enjoy the inverted nipples, showing the nipples getting hard throughout the video beginning from invert is very hot and sexy. Just thought I would let you know my opinion on the inverted nipples for now.


It's been a while, datklaydoe. The inverted nipple didn't look very good under the influence of Raycase, so I won't use it in the next video. However, I am glad that you enjoyed this little bit of material. Thanks!


Of course, I still hold your content in high regard. You never cease to amaze me with the quality of your work, your models look beautiful. One question, just curious. I don't know if you are just busy or feel rushed to meet deadlines to release a certain amount of content each month. But I noticed in some of your recent videos, the models' pussy was either closed most if not the entire video. And I personally enjoyed seeing your models with an open pussy either throughout the whole video, or at least half through the video, or when you add the small action of the model spreading or finger her pussy throughout the videos. Regardless of what I think your content is fantastic, I'm just curious why in your recent videos the models pussy is closed?


The reason is that I do not act to open, and I recently like the shape that is not open. It is true that there is a trade-off between time and output content. I used to make a work for over a month. It could take up to three months. Now it is about 4 to 10 times faster than that. Inevitably there are elements that have been trimmed. Even if you spend a lot of time, I can't always make good works. It may or may not be a good work. In addition, I don't think that many supporters can wait for output for a long time. Therefore, it is in the current style. If I can concentrate on this production work, some extra work will be possible. However, it is still far from the realization of that environment.


確かに私もダイソンさんじゃないすか!と思いましたw 装甲がブ厚いイメージがあるので、剥き剥きがどのような仕上がりになるのか、楽しみですねえ~黒髪長身のおねえさんキャラと見ると、そそるものがあるな~ サンプル見ました!陥没乳首は大きな可能性を感じますね~サンプル見る感じではグッド!恥ずかしがりやの乳首がコンニチハする過程には、やはりロマンを感じますね。比較的動きがゆったりした、シンプルな、パパラブ的なモーションだとじっくり見姦できるんですかね~




どうみても敵サイドっぽいですよねw 一応艤装もありましたが、馬鹿でっかいので邪魔過ぎてオミットしました。肝心の躰が見えんというw 陥没は、Rayでも見栄えよくなりそうな感じにもうちょいどうにかしたら使ってみようかなと思ってます。単純にわかりづらい感じもあったので。エロ漫画やらエロ虹絵では定番メニューなので、是非実現したいなとは思っています。パパラブはおそらく某たま氏のヤツだと思いますが、いろいろ使いづらそうなので、私は使いませんw

