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In my PC, the C drive is a high-speed SSD for both R / W, and working files are often read and written on the C drive to improve work efficiency. However, when I do that, the C drive gets garbage from temporary work files. The video of the JK group the other day is also salvage data from the garbage here.

Specifically, it is the storage area under c:\tmp on my work PC. This time, it is a topic about the result of reading and displaying the mysterious file puriG.pmm around May 2017 in MMD. As a result, it was a file when I checked the operation of pfy's priest teacher lightly by applying Girls' motion. The Priest teacher is definitely a erotic model of god pfy, but I remember that I had to suspend it at that time because it was a model that seemed to choose a person. So, I kept it on and forgot about it to this day. There are some videos that use Priest teachers, but there are also indications that the breasts are too large, which seems to not be received by everyone. Of course, I love Priest teachers! ! !

That said, I haven't done much with this yet, and it's still in stock for now.








お、これは!?と思うものがあると、とりあえずDLしとりあえず弄ってさっと見てみるとかはよくやるんです。しかし、動画にするまで至ることは稀だったりJK組のように自分の中で陳腐化してもういいやとなったりで実質のゴミ箱に埋もれてると。 プリ先生はlikeいただいている様子から思ってたよりだいぶ好反応ですが、私を支援してくれる方々なので好みも比較的似てるってのはあるのかもしれません。そのうちやってみてもいいかなという気に少しなってます。

