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Warming him up for the main course... 😏

hey hyungries!

Ya boy is finally back from vacationing in Hawaii and feeling better than ever! 

Now it's time to kick these videos into full gear! Here's another teaser scene for you all in various angles! I'll definitely try to aim to finish this up within the next 2 weeks.

On another note, I wanted to address something. I've noticed my videos being re-posted onto other sites without my permission. Honestly, since my videos are free to the public, it shouldn't be a big deal... however the domain in which it's posted is one that I stopped posting in due to it attracting a LOT of minors to follow me which is something I don't want. Obviously it's not possible to prevent this regardless of where I post but it's just some places are known to have a lot of users that are minors which is why I try to steer clear going on. It's already too late to take it all down because the process is a headache which I don't have time for. I'm not blaming anyone but I do just ask that in the future, please don't repost my stuff without asking me first.

Also, I've added the VR series back into my masterlist on the homepage. Will update with HFC soon.

Alright, enough of the serious talk. Thank you all for your patience! and I'll see you all again soon! 

- ♥ hyungry




I'm in class but I clicked faster than I could blink


I’m glad, can’t wait till it’s finished

Tannie girl

Dangg the quality of it all.....its hot in here 🥵😗😗😗


oh my star, so hot


Looking forward to the end product! ❤️


That little stream of precum was really hit


I only care about VR 3! Plz upload it soon - I have been waiting for so long :(.

Stuart Foulkes

Hope you had a well earned break hyungry in Hawaii and you picked up some good vibes. So here's a question I've been meaning to ask ( and one you might not want to answer ), Now that you are in full " blender " mode , if you could do a " Directors Cut " of one ( or more ) of your previous works to enhance ( re-imagine) .. Which one would it be ? Stay Safe & Virtual Hugs :-)


OMFG Hyungry! What are you doing to me?! 🤤 This is going to be EPIC! 🥵


I'm lovin' all the new stuff you have in the works(#tresspasser) and updates on the older stuff too (OMD OVA and TDND DDO are my faves). Just wondering when we're going to see your baseball cuties Junior and Noah in a full story. Loves me some boys in athletic uniform so I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting. You never disappoint though, so I'm looking forward to it.