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hey hyungries! just wanted to update you guys on what's going on.

So as many of you have noticed, I had to take down the VR series from my patreon as well as some other videos. Due to the issue that occurred last week, my account underwent review by Patreon and some of my videos were deemed to be outside of the guidelines of what they allow on their platform. Content that contains 'family funtime' (even fictional) isn't allowed and I would've gotten my account suspended if I didn't take it down. 

That being said, I hope to just lay low with that type of content for the time being and will slowly re-add my them back after some time. That means I'll have to hold off on OVA 3 for a little bit ☹. It will definitely still be released (because I already finished like half of it lol) but I think I should give it some time before I publish it -- so probably next month.  

I'm sorry, I know a majority of you were waiting specifically for this and it does make me sad that I have to delay it even further. I hope you understand.

- hyungry

you can still view the videos that were taken down here on various streaming websites like xvids & bf tv which can be found in the link below! 




It surprises me that these works of fiction are getting in trouble:/


😭 but take your time.... I'm sure all will be fine....


It doesn’t surprise me. People get offended by anything these days. Especially fiction of people that don’t even exist.


Yes that’s too bad. But take your time and I’m sure it will be worth the wait. 😍Too bad they don’t have a private messaging route to send them out but they would take forever too I’m sure! Looking forward to Trespasser!


That's too bad, but we def don't want your acct suspended. You can always post those to dropbox if it's against patreon guidelines.

Marquise Pride

Wow, just wow. Guess it's always going to be something, but I'm glad it's not like PH and you're completely removed. Thank you for all you do and have done!

Stuart Foulkes

Thanks for the update. In the end it is what it is, as long as your account stays “Squeaky Clean” I’m sure we can accept whatever material you post as and when. Right get off to Hawaii you deserve it :-)


At least you did not get the boot


I’m sorry this happened to your work but so happy you’re able to stay on here 😊 am bummed about OVA3 and hope we can find some way to get it out 😩 still simping of daddy Pheng! Hope we can still get more content with him, maybe something with him and one of Tommy’s friends instead? 🤔 enjoy your vacation 😇 you deserve it!


What's most important is that your account doesn't get suspended. Maybe you can release it on twitter instead?


Enjoy your trip and come back safe more importantly healthy! Take your Time and make sure to rest!


Thanks so much


I’m sure whenever you are able to post it however you can it like your other work it will be amazing. Glad you are still able to maintain your account. :)


I just thought, that I have lost that email.


I’m so looking forward to this. Totally hooked on your characters


You could do a private Twitter page for you posts that are against the patreon guidelines and only allow your patrons access. Just a thought