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thank you to the lovely patrons who volunteered to contribute these subtitles! I'm always forever grateful! ❤

Hey hyungries! It's finally here (and a lot earlier than I anticipated!) 

My 'short' project, A Date With Dayton is now live!

A few things I'd like to point out before anyone attacks me lmao.

  • After finishing this video, I've decided that I'll be retiring... from my short lived voice acting career 😂😂😂
    I wanted to try it at least once... so if it turns you off then I apologize... I won't do it again lmao 😭 🙏 When I start my new story, I'll hire actual voice actors 😅
  • I've been testing and trying out some new things again such as special effects and what not. I hope you like them 😏
  • I'm honestly really proud of how this video turned out! (aside from the shitty voice acting 😩) I really do hope you guys can find some enjoyment from it even though a lot of people aren't so happy about Kenny being with another guy 😂

Once again, thank you all for supporting me this month. I appreciate each and every one of you! As always, let me know what you think via commenting below or DM! I love to hear your feedback!


- ♥ hyungry 

If you're feeling extra generous, buy me a coffee!





Need more of these two together


Omg… what a surprised didn’t think it would be released this early. BRB. Just going to have a wank now. 😂🤣


Yeah... that was really hot. I know there won’t be a part two and it makes me sad. Your voice acting was great as well


When your bro says he misses you T^T


OMG OMG OMG. That was BRILLIANT 🤩 It was out of this world. I loved the twist at the end. (Spoiler) You kept that quiet lipped when people were worried Kenny was gonna cheat on David. I LOVED the story, I LOVED the voice acting (you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself about it), I LOVED the ending. You keep blowing me away. I like that you keep us guessing and each time we’re surprised. You just keep getting better and better. You have a real talent in your artistry and story telling. You’re making a lot of people blow their loads. 😜 You’re just incredible, remarkable and a true genius!


Kenny is such a good friend to have.

Tannie girl

This was awesome! i hope we will see our “little virgin boy” again👏🏼 i loved ur VA too it will be missed haha


OMG with the voice over its make the scene more hotter!!


I was actually skeptical about the stills because I enjoy the story but it works. Also, wow, I did not expect that much voice acting. That was great💖


That’s hot !


I'll tell you more in private when I'll give you the french subs, but that was a masterpiece of art. Kudos to the lights, the sex sounds and the whole scenery. I was not a fan of Dayton at first, now I want a trilogy about him. That's how good it was. Like, one scène (the ear licking during the kissing) litteraly almost made me nosebleed, like I remembered why I was gay : to expérience such erotism and sensuality. Also, God forgives me but naked Dayton is my new religion. Masterpiece.


OK it’s official after this one: i will never stop being a patron of your content!!! that was the best one yet and the voice acting definitely had me blushing a few times lol 💙💙💙💙 kudos to you sir!!!


And the voice acting : honey, for a first time, you did well. Never be ashamed of trying something new. I'm proud and happy to pay you 10$ a month, you deserve it.

Mila Mar

Pfffrrrrrrrrttttt I have no words other than I absofrickinglutely loved it!!! Thank you for another master piece! ❤

Mila Mar

Oh completely forgot, i loved the voice acting. You have such a nice and soothing voice!


R.I.P. Hyungry’s V.A. Career! You will be missed!😭 Also the men in the Hyungry universe have very vivid dreams lmao!


Now I really wanna hear mr.Hyungry talk 😳 🥺👉👈


What comment can I give that hasn't been said already? And I totally agree with them all! But thanks again bro for everything. I know you have more projects and ideas your working on and their are many suggestions you're receiving, but I'm hoping Dayton and his 'monster ' will return some day!


Thanks Braddy! Sounds like someone's fallen for Dayton, huh? 😉


Thank you so much Bradley! I tried my best not to spoil anything since there had been a lot of worries regarding the 'canon' aspect haha. David & Kenny are a popular OTP 😂 I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much! ♥


Agreed. We all need a friend like Kenny to teach us a few things 😏😉


Thanks Tee! Our BIG little virgin boy, amirite? 😂 I may make a cameo once in a while since a lot of people seem to enjoy it 😅


Thanks Jonathan! That makes me relieved! I'm glad you enjoyed the VA ❤😊


I personally think it works well for heavy dialogue based stories to help focus on the reading. I was also worried that people may find it a turn-off but I'm glad that you enjoyed it regardless! Thanks Brandon! ♥


Aww, thank you! It makes me happy that you enjoy my content so much! ❤❤❤


Thank you, Mila! That's the first time anyone's ever said that about my voice 😂 I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I don't think you want that, Carlos! 😂🤣 I'm glad you enjoyed it though! ❤


Haha, thanks James! It'll definitely be hard to forget about Dayton's monster! 🤣


Ahh man, twist ending. Nice V.O. though. Which one was you, Dayton or Kenny? Maybe try one more time and let your patrons decide. Keep up the good work and don't overdue it.


I'm happy with Dropbox


I wonder if Dayton called Kenny the day asking him not to tell anyone?


What I I love your voice keep voice acting please


I actually thought the voice acting was great 😳


Hyungry!! How can you still think that you're voice becomes boring! Hell this was amazing!! Really! Dayton and Kenny were just perfectly voiced! I personally would miss you're voice and soundediting when you change to voice actors! And the Video was fire! I absolutely love this and even more the fact that SPOILER! David dreamed of this, i just love how jealousy he becomew after but its sad that you didnt voice him and Kenny afterwards too! I'm looking forward to Virtual Ride OVA 3.. maybe with voice acting too? 😏


Omg!!!!!!! This was sooo goood and the fact that David was having that as I dream is so hilarious. This video was amazing. It was such a Good twist. I’m liking forward to your other stories. Your voice over was really good and it went well with the subtitles and everything.


Great job once again! Everything was wonderful and entertaining! Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to the new projects coming soon! Appreciate all of your hard work on this!! 🙌😉🥰




the voice acting made me laugh


the david surprise was amazing!! i miss them! everything was good! the voice acting wasn’t weird at all and you’re good at it!! loved it as usual! can’t wait for the next video! i do miss david and kenny though 😭


Oh wow, that twist at the end..... genius! Didn’t see it coming 😆. Once again your story telling skills are just top notch! And the art of creating such masterpieces deserves mad recognition! Personally I have no issues with the voice acting at all (kudos to you btw 👏🏼), but it’s something I’ll need to get use to (been too used with the subs lol). But it’s something I can roll with for sure! Can’t wait for the next coming projects! 🔥❤️❤️


Oh my..... the cover is great for a cell phone wallpaper! By the way, the voice acting is quite good :D The surprise in the end is really the CREAMY cherry on the top!!!


Thanks Jay! Doing moaning talk is one thing but I’m not that confident in voicing normal dialogue 😔 I just hate my voice sometimes lol. It’s possible that I’ll have partial voicing in VR 3 since I already completed part of it!


Thanks Tatiana 😙❤️ Glad you liked the little surprise twist hehe. I tried my best not to give any hints 😆


Thank you! I appreciate all the love and support ❤️❤️❤️


hahaha, yeah. I can see that voice overs during sex definitely isn’t a thing for everyone 😂


Thank you Samantha. Glad you enjoyed it ❤️❤️❤️ David and Kenny will definitely return some day in the future! 🥰


Thank you Marsh! I definitely felt the same way when I first was introduced to voice over adult content. It’s a little weird at first when you’re so used to subtitles but you get used to it eventually 🤣 But it’s always a pleasure, I’m happy you liked it! 😚❤️


Haha thanks Icy! I originally designed it to be used as a wallpaper as well! Glad you liked the ending! Definitely super creamy hehe 😏


Fun fact: all of the yummy sound effects were made from scratch by me 🤪 don’t ask how though


Wow the blowjob in round 3 was so well done!! It looked so damn real!! Your work gets better and better! And I loved the voice acting!! More of that if possible! 10/10!!


I don't think you should give up 100% on voice acting for the videos. You did really good and the video turned out great


you did a great job with the voice acting!!


Loved this one the story the voice acting the ending all great!


Thanks Dann. That scene was pretty fun to do for me as well 😏 hehe glad you enjoyed it!


Oh my goodness! I loved it. Especially, the ending. It was perfect. So glad it was a dream LMFAO Kenny & David forever!! And I kinda liked the voice acting, not to bad. :)

Paul Perry

10, 10, 10, 10, 10... NEVER A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! Your work is AMAZING! 🙌🙌🙌! Thank you for sharing your artistic talents as well as your dedication to provide us with quality ENTERTAINING CONTENT... From your stories to you characters...you definitely make me step up my gameplaying and story telling, when I step into my world of the sims!!!👏👏👏Thank You and Keep doing what you do!!!!👍💖👍💖👍💖


A great video❤️ the scenes between kenny and Dayton are super hot plus the voices, I loved every word they said, excellent work ❤️


Man! This was excellent! You're always upping your game. You are NOT giving yourself enough credit, I loved the voice acting. You've got a great voice. ;-)

Christine Melofchik

I loved every second of it. I really loved the voice over and that ending was crazy funny. You are worth your weight in gold. I'm so glad I joined this group.💖💗💖💗💖😍


Your voice over work was awesome, nor distracting at all, in fact, better than having to read everything, That's Distracting. Only thing, and it's small, some of the angle changes were fast, almost like a camera would have fallen, if that was the intent, well 👍, No matter what, Congrats, it's Great.


OMGOSH @ the ending! Lol! I loved it!!! The voice work was great! I was feeling so awkward at first cause I have such a love for David and Kenny together but then the action started and I was like , oh ok. I can get into this cause these boys are so hot! That ending though. Probably my fave ending so far! Haha. 😜


This was fucking amazing! So great! And I personally loved the voice acting! Great work!


im kinda bummed out that it was only a dream 😭😭


Best effort yet. Your animation and voice acting just keep improving! Super fucking hot, i loved it. Maybe a gym teacher/dayton threesome on the horizon? One can dream ;)


It kind of and kind of wasn’t haha. It’s to keep the “pacing” high almost like an action movie since there’s a lot of ‘action’ going on 😉 but I’ll try to work on it in the future!


This one was great, and it was because of the voice acting! It turned me on so much! The fact that you made Dayton and Kenny sound completely different from each other blew my mind (and blew my load haha)! At first I was confused when Kenny was so willing to cheat on David, but when it was just a dream... ooooo you love using dreams as a plot twist. But what’s interesting is it was David’s dream 🤔 I really hope we get the next rounds of dream sequences of them going all the way cuz it was soooo hot! Always love the work, hyungry! ❤️

Stuart Foulkes

Another great video, I love taking it all in (scenery/ Sim Word … oh, how I would love to live somewhere like that), nice little plot line and the ending, however , I got distracted with this one but in a good way! …. Was more curious to know if hyungry was doing both voices in post-production, and, if there was someone else with him? There very cosy those sound booths … just saying!


Haha, it’s just me myself & I when I record! I’ll definitely get distracted if I had someone else with me 😆


David’s just that much obsessed over his boyfriend that he be dreaming lewd things about him 🤧 Hehe thanks Rocky! Glad you enjoyed it ❤️


Haha thanks Jenna! I honestly felt the same way since I too am a Kenny/David simp... however Dayton and Kenny just had this bond that I couldn’t pass up the chance. Also helps that Dayton is a rude lil virgin boy 😏 Glad you enjoyed it! ❤️


😂😂😂 I wouldn’t do David dirty like that. That’s my original sex god 😆 Glad you enjoyed it Dylan! ❤️


Thanks Jack! I’ll always strive to do better for you guys! Happy you enjoyed it 🥰❤️


Aww, thank you so much Christine! That really does mean a lot to me! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and glad that you’re happy to be apart of the hyungry family! 🥰❤️


Amazing ! Great ! ... I like your voice acting so much ! The second part is actually perfect ! Your voice acting career is completely successful.I'm looking forword your next project.Can't wait!!!


Loved it, save the money for the voice actors! Just keep doing it yourself!


Log I loved this !!! I love Kenny and David so much so the ending really made me happy despite the rest of it being hot as hell😂😂 I hope you keep up with them! 🥺And I can’t wait to see more of your work! ❤️❤️❤️


Also I loved the voice acting! It was a bit weird because I’m used to your videos not speaking but it didn’t turn me off in the slightest as the voices fit the characters! I don’t think you need voice actors at all


Loved the voice acting...don't stop........


This was sooo good! Too bad they didnt go all the way I'd have loved to see Kenny pop Daytons cherry, top and bottom (sequel maybe) 😏😜


Thank you Deadpool! I’m happy you enjoyed everything! ❤️


Haha, thank you! I didn’t want them to cross the line or David would’ve went crazy 😫 well.. maybe that wouldn’t be all that bad 😛


This was absolutely amazing. You have skills Hyun, and apparently voice acting is one of them. So hot, especially with the voices now. Keep up the amazing work. You are truly the best 😉


Bro each time I see ur vids there getting better and better! The wet shininess on the cock after he starts licking it, the cumshots are better, the moans n sucking is on point! YOU ARE KILLIN IT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thanks Krent! 🥰 I try my best to keep doing better and upgrading my quality as best as I can, so thanks for noticing! I’m glad you enjoyed it! ❤️


A great one as always ! But, I'm not sure about voice actors... Your creations are excellent without it, and speechless it allows us to use our own imagination to make our fantasies come true !


Thanks for the feedback, Benji! Yeah, voice acted stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'm most likely going to release 2 versions with and without voice acting in the future since it can be a turn off for some people. Glad you enjoyed it none the less! ❤☺


Great touch with the build up of sweat


Loved it. The voice acting? phenomenal. it spices up the animation. I just wished Kenny could've gave Dayton the full experience, not just oral. But all in all, 10/10. Looking forward for more videos with voice acting


I loved it. Would you ever consider doing a video where the stepdad and stepson have sex but the stepson is the top? And the stepdad lets him use his ass for practice?


Thanks Jordan! In the future, while it may not be a step relationship, I will be making an older bottom character.

Cesar Abella

I loved this new film, and I do think your voice acting was great.


You are the best !! I love you 😍


Oh my this was amazing!!! Dayton is so hot plus the voice acting for him??? Awesome. David waking up from a dream gave me a good laugh 😂. Good job yo 👏


This was amazing I really loved it! Is there gonna be another series with David and Kenny?


Love this. You're The best


Really Nice, seriously i really like the voice acting. and I NEED MORE DAYTON VIDEO XD


I have to say the end part made me laugh too. Nothing like getting in trouble for something you did in a dream!