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A TIP FOR IPHONE USERS! If you're using the Patreon App, the video player won't be able to go into full screen mode (horizontal way). I'm not sure why but it just doesn't. To fix this, click on the Dropbox link or whichever link I use, go up to the top where the URL is -- tap and hold until you see 'copy' pop up. Copy and the paste the address into your mobile web browser of choice(Chrome, Safari, etc), then it should work fine!











Hello hyungries! It's finally here!

The sequel for SUMMER HEAT!

There's a few things I'd like to state before anyone attacks me lmao

  • A majority of this was filmed way before Virtual Ride's OVA... meaning there are new things that I have learned but didn't get to apply to this video since it was already recorded beforehand. I'm mostly referring to the 'wet' look I tried to achieve (and FAILED). Towards the end, I kind of got the hang of making it look more realistic but for the most part, I wasn't able to apply it a majority of the video so I apologize if it's distracting... I promise I'll have it down in the future! 😭
  • You may or may not get annoyed of my voice LMAO. Yes, I did the grunts/moans myself. It may throw you off since I used voice samples in the prequel... sorry in advance! I promise to find real voice actors in the future. A man has to work with what he's got! 🤣
  • I will also send a DM to everyone who has access as I stated in a previous post that I will be changing my prices for Early Access starting in April. That way, you will still have access to it if you choose to unsubscribe next month.
  • This was a fun story to adapt and also was a learning process for me! I hope to take my knowledge and make something even greater in the future. I always have regrets regarding my finished products regarding quality... but I'll try my best to overcome that insecurity.  I'm not going anywhere anytime soon (at least if it's not against my will)! I'll make another post about future plans soon.



I just wanna say, thank you 🥺 this was such a joy to watch 🥰

Hervé Ah-Sue

Thank you for the show! Great as usual! Did you translate in french yourself? If yes your french is very good! ( I know it because I'm French)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 11:54:41 This was SO GOOD. Thank you for your hard work <3
2021-05-14 05:24:15 This was SO GOOD. Thank you for your hard work <3

This was SO GOOD. Thank you for your hard work <3